Any good alternatives to the Pono?
Hi All-
I know there are other FLAC players out there- like the Fiio? I just bought a new tube guitar amp, and I can't shell out $400 for a Pono. Does anyone out there have a good/cheaper alternative? If so, how do you like your Fiio, or whatever you have?
I know there are other FLAC players out there- like the Fiio? I just bought a new tube guitar amp, and I can't shell out $400 for a Pono. Does anyone out there have a good/cheaper alternative? If so, how do you like your Fiio, or whatever you have?
Pono is genius tho for making people think that they invented the whole thing. LOL
edit: They also have a $300 one. As for the comparison to the PONO, someone smarter then me will have to fill you in.
sort can still use and iPod or smartphone, you just need to rip or download files at a higher bitrate than those you would get from a standard mp3 seller like iTunes or Amazon. Considering, you can get iPhones with 128 gigs of storage, the extra space shouldn't be a big problem for most people.
Interesting. I thought mp3 was the only option.
Bummer for me is I only have 16 gb phone ... But my company pays the bill so who am I to complain!
I can't get the higher bit rate files to work consistently on my iphone. I'm super frustrated with itunes. How much does an iphone cost with 128 gigs of storage? I do like my iphone, but not for playing music. In fact I hate it for that. I did download a FLAC player to my phone (Onkyo player), which works well, once you get the music onto it, but its pretty awkward, and I only have 16 gb of storage.
That's what it ultimately comes down to...are you willing to share your music files with the rest of the phone's memory(apps, msgs, emails, photos, etc.), which will, over time, get smaller and smaller? In other words, do you want a multitasker or a unitasker? Plus, if you rip from CD to ALAC in iTunes, that memory will start to disappear a lot quicker.
The Sony Walkman NWZ-A17 player ($300) sounds really good to these ears (both FLAC and FLAC HD), but I might be suffering from confirmation bias. I have noticed that I'm listening closely to the music to see if there's a difference. There is really good instrument separation, and the drums really stand out. Of course, I have a pretty good set of headphones, too.
The one thing that is phenomenal about the NWZ-A17 is its battery life. People have been getting 40-50 hours of playback on a single charge. Of course, there's no wi-fi (have to load tracks by USB), which probably helps with the battery life. The unit is also tiny and doesn't weigh very much at all. Overall, I'm impressed at the sound quality from such a small player. The fact that it's expandable to 192 GB via microSD card (like the Pono) is nice, too. Being able to swap cards with different music files on them is something I'm looking forward to checking out.
I have no idea what the Pono sounds like, so I cannot give any comparison information.
Great points/questions.
I'm ready to switch to a "unitasker" for music. I listen to music most of my day (through a bluetooth headset - p.s., also looking for headphones), and it drains my iphones battery pretty fast. Plus I can't listen to much of my music. For example, I bought Denver 2014 (I was at the show) in HD-Flac and even after converting it to an itunes compatible format, it never actually fully loaded into itunes. I also noticed that when I converted another show (Memphis?) from FLAC to itunes format (AAC?) the sound was horrible through itunes. I thought it was the recording but the FLAC sounds pretty good (that's another forum topic).
Anyway, the Sony seems ideal! The Cowon and others sound like good alternatives too. Its nice to know there are alternatives to the PONO!
That's what I hear most about the FiiO players, is that the user interface needs a lot of improvement. However, I also hear the FiiO players have the best sound quality.
The Fiio x3 looks like a good option. Thanks guys for the feedback!
I had a Fiio X3, but hated it. I have one of their headphone amps and am not a big fan of it either.
There's a new Cowon (M2) out that may be worth checking out, but I havent read any reviews since I'm not in the market anymore.
IMO, nothing can beat the Pono's value (read: value!!!)
Thanks! I was hoping to get more feedback and I appreciate it! It would be nice to be able to go to a store, and listen to a bunch of these....
Not sure about Pono's return policy, but the Fiio and Cowons are on Amazon and can be returned if you don't like them. I'd bet Pono will eventually be available via mainstream retailers also. Check out for reviews of portable DAP's. There a wealth of info (and cr*p) there.
2008 Tampa - 2013 Buffalo - 2016 Tampa - 2016 Fenway II
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I'd be more interested in lossless vs. lossless. Which is basically a comparison of the DAC's which to me is way more important than HD Flac. HD Flac is kind of pointless if you're playing it through an inferior DAC. A player with a great DAC should easily be able to outshine an iphone, no HD required.
That's what they're saying now? I find that hard to believe with HD files.
Maybe I should read that....
Sorry for asking all these dumb questions, but would it make sense to spend a couple hundred dollars on better headphones, and get a cheaper player, like the Fiio X1? I probably have a fixed budget on the player and phones. Right now I'm using a bluetooth headset that sounds way better than the iphone ear-buds, but many of these players don't support bluetooth, and I would rather have some over-the-ear phones anyway.
I listened to a set of Marshall Studio Monitor headphones today at Best Buy that sounded amazing.
Thanks again!
The files are huge so you need a really good connection and it runs the battery pretty fast, so I download stuff to the cache in the app when I'm at home with wireless and the phone plugged in. I have to delete the files often when I want to hear new stuff.
I also have iTunes Match and those files aren't that big so I have access to all of my music any time, even though the quality is only OK if playing in iTunes.
Pono will sound great but not noticeably better than CDs or regular purchased mp3s. Thats why its losing blind tests to iphones and ipods.