Things To Ponder

We all can use a little more happiness, and while articles like this are a dime a dozen, I still take comfort in reading them and trying to put them into practice.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk"
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
I appreciate your intent, but the article was almost condescending. Most reasonable people get that meditation - like prayer, or basic reflection - can take place anywhere and regardless of time of day. Or that happiness can come from within.
Just strange points to make, and obvious ones at that.
Of course they are simple and most are common sense....but sometimes we can forget how simple it is to be happy, how one little obvious thing can change our day...sometimes we can all use a simple reminder.....but if you took nothing away from it, well, someone else might.
-EV 8/14/93
I take it in the way that if we are truly happy ourselves, we will project that out into the world.
-EV 8/14/93
I find that giving OF myself rather than to myself, makes me happiest. I find that concentrating on being a blessing to others makes me much happier than seeking my own wants or desires. Just my view on it. Hope everyone's day is going well.
I see it the same as "you can't love anyone until you love yourself". Is that promoting ego-maniacal behaviour? No, it's merely stating that you can't truly help others until you yourself are helped.
to me it's the same as being in a plane crash; the adult has to look after themselves before they can help their child. is it selfish? no, it starts with self preservation which begets the ability to help another.
-EV 8/14/93
I'm sure there are some very enlightened people who have a great and reasonable and measured outlook on creating happiness for themselves without making selfish decisions or misjudging what will lead to ultimate contentment, but I'm not convinced that the majority of people are capable of this or even really self-aware enough to know the difference.
I don't know that there is anything such as "ultimate contentment", these were just ideas on how to better navigate a few things to help get through life and to remind ourselves that daily happiness is achievable if you practice a few simple things.
I'm far from happy. That's why I posted this. sometimes articles like these help me. I thought maybe it would others. Not spark a debate on happiness vs selfishness.
but on your divorce comment........I am starting to believe that marriage wasn't in our evolution. very few, if any, mammals have a life partner. I don't know that human beings were meant to be with one partner forever. So I agree with you that people's want to be happy is probably due in large part to the divorce stats, I don't see that as a bad thing. My parents have been happily married since 1969. Not always. But they are now. But had my sister stay in her marriage just to try to keep with social norms and expectations, then her son and she would be incredibly miserable today.
I have been married for 10 years. And I hope to be until one of us passes. But do I think it's natural to do so? I'm not sure.
-EV 8/14/93