
So the St. Paul posters are finally showing up on the site for me at 1:50pm. Still intact and able to purchase, but Moline was 20 seconds of waiting, purchasing, and then pain, followed by sold out. :/


  • So it wasn't just me...waited since the day of show to have an opportunity to grab a nobody really got a second chance?! At least there was 15-20 for sale day after event if I had an extra $200 to spend over the original cost....pretty lucky!
  • The minute they sold out at the show some scalper was walking around trying to sell his poster for $200. Same jerk was in the hotel lobby selling tickets too.
  • I was hoping the sold out issues and everything were a glitch but now its been hours and it still shows sold out while St. Paul finally shows up on the page and is available.
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