My (2) 10c Tickets for San Diego for Your (2) 10c Tickets for Santa Barbara

ijustwannaphishijustwannaphish Posts: 11
edited July 2006 in Given To Fly (live)
Hello all you Pearl Jam fans out there! I have been a lifetime fan of Pearl Jam, and only just recently joined the message board. I have TenClub tickets for the San Diego show on Jul 7th, and although I was REALLY looking forward to a trip down south, my new job schedule will not allow me to make all the shows I've bought tickets for.

I live close to Santa Barbara, and would really love to be able to make it to this show in place of the San Diego show. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, is there anyone in a situation that would facilitate this trade?? Please also keep in mind that I additionally have 10c seats to both the the 16th and the 18th dates of the San Francisco shows. While I am unable to make the trip down south, I WILL be taking a trip up North to make it to the S.F. shows, so I am definately preferring to hold onto both night's shows in S.F.

If I happen to have trouble finding a match with my San Diego tickets, (which I sure hope I won't) I will consider a trade for one of the S.F. nights.

Please get back to me at your earliest convenience! As stated, I have BOTH (2) 10c tickets available for TRADE for (2) 10c tickets to the Santa Barbara show, or alternatively (2) 10c tickets to either of the S.F. shows.

I am of course willing to pay the difference in fees for the price of the Santa Barbara tickets.

Thanks so much for the mutual help, Everyone enjoy the shows!!
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • liesandsaysliesandsays Posts: 132
    it is not a 10c but would love to buy one (or both) of your San Diego...
    let me know if you wish to sell or trade one SB for one SD...thanks
    Up the West Coast in 2006 and Hawaii++Santa Barbara, San Fran x 3, Portland, Gorge x2
    Chicago and Down the Coast in 2003
    Seattle 2005
    SF 2000, 2001, 2003--- oh or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who cannot forgive yourself
  • I'm sorry, but I'm holding out hope that there's someone out there with the right circumstance. As it is, you must be a 10c member to receive the transfer of my tickets, so please, all you 10c members out there! Help me help you!
  • bump...

    San Diego's coming up, people! Is anybody interested?? There's 61 views on this post. Bring on the serious inquiries...

    Please, contact me with any questions - and SOON!
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