Has some body actually really honestly asked this before????

I got an email from the 10c stating my member pack thingies would ship in 48 hours or less.. Then in Bold Letters, ensconced in Astericks, was a side note that digital downloads are not shipped. It then gave instructions on downloading them!! How would you even DO that???( Ship a digital download) made me giggle!!
Or maybe it's borne of the litigious nature of our society.
"They didn't tell me to keep that plastic bag away from my baby!"
Goddamn but I miss seeing day-to-day common sense...AND responsibility.
sorry, off topic. carry on. :P
(so to speak)
I'm bored. This picture is worth a bump.
even if I look and act really crazy.
me #2
some correct baby lifter person (good job!) #3
meteorite fanatics #4
Strangest Tribe #5
i forget the question
After 20 minutes of troubleshooting,
"What's the wire coming out of the back?"
"The only chord is the power chord."
"Should I plug that into the wall?"
"Ummm, yes"
After checking out the connections, I found that he had his power strip plugged into itself.
SMH.. . .....
What makes it worse was the guy's attitude. He was livid with the manufacturer of his gear and he was telling me how he was going to sue the hell out of them for selling such shitty products.
His attitude changed pretty quickly when I showed him what was wrong.