Serial Podcast

was looking on here to see if it's been mentioned but couldn't find anything.

this is one of the most gripping things you will ever hear. very well done.
looking to hear of the earth


  • :-/
  • SD48277SD48277 Posts: 12,243
    I've heard about this podcast. Do they go into graphic details about the murder? I don't know if I can handle that.
  • There are points where it is described what supposedly happens but it doesn't focus on it by any means, more trying to figure out timelines and could a and b happen if c didn't happen. I was nervous of this too but once you get past the first episode you will be addicted.
    looking to hear of the earth
  • SD48277SD48277 Posts: 12,243
    Ok, thanks for the info. I think my uneasiness about graphic detail was the only hesitation I had. I'll give it a try.
  • it's done by npr and the this american life podcast. very good storytelling.
    looking to hear of the earth
  • SD48277SD48277 Posts: 12,243
    Ok, I am four "episodes" in. Totally engaging. I already have my theory of who did it.
  • I don't think I could do this.. Is it real crimes or made up?
  • SD48277SD48277 Posts: 12,243
    Real crime. The way it is presented is very well done. They give you a heads up when something might be considered disturbing.
  • Yeah after working crime scene clean up.. I think that's not going to work. Lol
  • SD48277SD48277 Posts: 12,243

    Yeah after working crime scene clean up.. I think that's not going to work. Lol

    Crime scene clean up? Yikes. I'm such a weenie I can't even handle watching "Law & Order SVU."
  • Believe me.. You get a whole new perspective on depravity ! I've seen some horrendous things, some things that make you cringe, things you wonder about even years out if the field, and something's that still even ten years later make you cry. I made it a year in that job. Don't get me wrong, I loved living in TX, and NM, but there's some fucked up people in the world.. And I discovered the truth behind that in those states! But I loved true crime books. I just don't read them anymore.. Cause now I KNOW what that looks like, and I end up all
    Messed up in the head over it. But having once had this draw, I can see why this is so interesting to people.
  • Ended today. Great job by Sarah and her producers. Highly recommend this.
    looking to hear of the earth
  • SD48277SD48277 Posts: 12,243
    Thanks for the reminder. Looking forward to hearing the last episode.
  • Just started listening to this yesterday. Completely hooked. On episode 3 right now...
  • Nice surprise to see the 2nd season released today. Just started listening now...
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