Looking for low watt tube amp

BHealyBHealy Flagstaff, Arizona Posts: 466
I'm shopping for a 10-15 watt tube amp to upgrade from my Fender Mustang. I'm not a pro, but am pretty serious about tone. I was looking at a few (Marshall 15 watt DSL), Fender Blues Junior, etc. Any suggestions? I play lots of PJ (obviously) Neil Young, Zeppelin, Black Keys, bluesy stuff. Thanks!


  • Blues Jr. is great but I get the same tone with my Frontman 25R. I like my tube hybrid (though they don't make the Fender Roc Pro anymore). The Marshall hyrbid (AVT) is good, too. I get the tube tone without all the headaches of a tube amp. Still, the Blues Jr. is a good one. Also, an Orange Crush is a good idea. The Tube Screamer or Blues Driver (my favorite between the two) also add a LOT to tube drive. If you're into Fender (I am), I like the Pro Jr. I've yet to try the Vaporizer but have heard good things. The Ramparte is good for small practice spaces. If you can find a Princeton Recording amp, that'll be awesome. Some of the more vintage stuff is great (craigslist specials).
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • BHealyBHealy Flagstaff, Arizona Posts: 466
    Nice! Thanks for the tips! I have a tube screamer that I run into my mustang- I can tweak it to sound pretty good, but I really don't like the controls on the mustang, or the modeling business. Is the Frontman a tube or solid state? I'm pretty new to this stuff, so I appreciate the help.
  • mccreadyisgodmccreadyisgod Bumfuq, MT Posts: 6,395
    At this point, there are a wealth of small-watt tube amps out there, so you've got a lot of great choices. In a lot of ways, the Fender Blues Jr. is the default choice in this category; it's got a pretty decent tone, with reverb onboard, and takes pedals pretty well. The weak spot is the speaker, but getting a Celestion V30 in there can really open the amp up. There is the Vox Night Train, AC15, and AC4; Fender Pro Jr, Princeton, or Super Champ; Bogner Brixton and New Yorker; and VHT Special 6 and Standard 12. You also got the Orange Tiny Terror, the Marshall Haze 15, Bad Cat Cougar, Hughes and Kettner Tube Meister, and probably a billion boutique or special edition models besides those.

    Honestly, based on the sounds you are looking to achieve, the Fenders seem like the best bet. Super Champ is not my first choice, I'd probably look more at the Pro Jr. or Blues Jr. for a nice all-around amp, or the Princeton if you can swing the extra expense. A lot of amps in the lower-wattage category use EL-84 power tubes, but the Princeton uses 6V6 tubes, which I personally prefer. If you like a chimey Vox kinda sound, EL-84s are the ticket.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • BHealyBHealy Flagstaff, Arizona Posts: 466
    Thanks so much for those tips! My neighbor friend has a Blues Jr (the one with the full EQ), and I tried it. It sounded really nice, but I wish I could try some others. I don't have a big guitar shop close by. Man, everyone I've talked to recommends the Princeton, but I just don't know if I can swing the cost. On the other hand, my buddy had a good point last night- the amp is almost like a life-long investment if you get a good one. You don't see the price of those Princetons coming down much when they're used.

    I'm going to find a Princeton demo. Thanks for pointing out those differences in tubes. I just watched a demo for the Super Champ (don't like the modeling), and it has the 6V6s in it I think.
  • mccreadyisgodmccreadyisgod Bumfuq, MT Posts: 6,395
    The difference between EL-84 and 6v6 tubes will be pretty big, when comparing amps. I don't mean to say that one is better than the other; I've heard several people play thru EL-84 tube amps, and sound great. The Orange Tiny Terror is probably the best of that bunch, but it's pricy as well. The tone stack of each amp also alters a lot of the tonal response, so it's not like each amp with the same tubes will sound the same.

    The other big difference is in the speaker, whether it's a combo or head-and-cab; sealed or open enclosure; and size of speaker, 8", 10", 12", etc. fortunately, a speaker upgrade is affordable and can come down the road.

    The tough part is finding an amp that works well with your playing style, and responds the way you want to your dynamics. If you can't try the amp first, it's hard to be sure what will work. If you can buy something used, you can at least sell it for around the same price if it doesn't work out. The Blues Jr. Is probably the safest bet, since you've played it and liked it, and it's a pretty common amp.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • BHealyBHealy Flagstaff, Arizona Posts: 466

    The difference between EL-84 and 6v6 tubes will be pretty big, when comparing amps. I don't mean to say that one is better than the other; I've heard several people play thru EL-84 tube amps, and sound great. The Orange Tiny Terror is probably the best of that bunch, but it's pricy as well. The tone stack of each amp also alters a lot of the tonal response, so it's not like each amp with the same tubes will sound the same.

    The other big difference is in the speaker, whether it's a combo or head-and-cab; sealed or open enclosure; and size of speaker, 8", 10", 12", etc. fortunately, a speaker upgrade is affordable and can come down the road.

    The tough part is finding an amp that works well with your playing style, and responds the way you want to your dynamics. If you can't try the amp first, it's hard to be sure what will work. If you can buy something used, you can at least sell it for around the same price if it doesn't work out. The Blues Jr. Is probably the safest bet, since you've played it and liked it, and it's a pretty common amp.

    Thanks so much for all this insight! I really appreciate it! Man, there's just so many variables. Maybe I'll just hold off until I can get to a Guitar Center and try them.
  • THe Frontman is a solid statw.
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,332
    i would vote for the bad cat mentioned by MIG. i have played one of them and they sound amazing. also very pedal friendly. really pricey though. OP if you are serious about it and price is not a limiting factor, give it a look.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • BHealyBHealy Flagstaff, Arizona Posts: 466
    Thanks! I really think I need to try a bunch at some point. I figure it will be something I keep for a long time.
  • For low watt tube amps, none better than the Dr Z Maz 8 in my opinion. An amazing little loud amp.

    My biggest question to you would be are you aware of going from a solid state amp to a tube amp, and the actual DB level differences? A 20w solide state amp such as the mustang you are currently using has a very lower db level than a 20w tube amp. What is the exact situation you are looking for in your playing? A vox ac4 gets super loud and sounds great, loud enough to gig in small clubs with almost.
  • If you want a small amp just for practice, pignose ones are good.

    Matts has a point, by the way. A 40watt tube amp is going to be monster times louder than a 40watt Solid State
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • BHealyBHealy Flagstaff, Arizona Posts: 466
    Hi thanks,
    I realize a 15 watt tube will be louder. It doesn't have to be 15 watts, I was even looking at a 5 watt Marshall. I'm not gigging currently, but I want something that sounds good (not like a toy, so a larger speaker 10 or 12 inch), and that will be versatile for playing with other people. Right now I'm just playing in my house and playing my acoustic when I go jam with people.
  • mccreadyisgodmccreadyisgod Bumfuq, MT Posts: 6,395
    Speakers are sneaky, I've got a Weber 8" in my little Vibro Champ that sounds bigger than some 12" speakers. It is generally true that the bigger the speaker, the bigger the sound (a bigger diaphram just creates bigger waveforms) but there is a lot of variation depending on speaker type, not just size.

    I used to play bar gigs with a 12-watt Fender Musicmaster Bass tube amp from the 70s. I replaced the speaker with a Weber California, which made it much more of a guitar amp. I used that amp with no mic on the cab for dozens of gigs, and it always sounded great. Not particularly clean, it was always on the edge of breakup at those volumes, but it was plenty loud.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • DewieCoxDewieCox Posts: 11,430
    edited November 2014

    For low watt tube amps, none better than the Dr Z Maz 8 in my opinion. An amazing little loud amp.

    I was in a similar "predicament" as the op and I actually opted for the Maz Jr and a Brakelite. One click on the attenuator and it puts it in the same range as the 8, or you can opt for more headroom. Great suggestion for probably the most versatile single channel amp you're gonna come aross. The thing inhales every pedal I've pumped into it.

    I can strongly recommend the Remedy from Dr. Z as well. The newer models have an amazing master volume and they sound so good for any kind of rock.

    Both loud, but really manageable, though I wouldn't recommend them for apartment dwellers.
    Post edited by DewieCox on
  • BHealyBHealy Flagstaff, Arizona Posts: 466
    Thanks guys- I appreciate all the tips..but holy crap those are expensive! (Dr Z) Who sells them?
  • The Z's are pretty expensive, but also cheap when compared to other boutique amp builders out there. I got both of mine at a store here in Houston. But I know know they aren't easy to find at your local store, but amazing amps, to me at least. A great 4watt amp at a great price is the vox ac4. I bought one last year and still love it. It's loud, sounds great for clean, has the 1/4, 1, and 4 watt selection, so you have clean head room, to a great tube breakup overdriven sound at lower volume. Takes pedals great also. Depending on budgets and what you want to invest, Z or ac4 are great. Either way when you go to a store and plug in, your ears and how you feel will tell you the righ amp!
  • BHealyBHealy Flagstaff, Arizona Posts: 466

    The Z's are pretty expensive, but also cheap when compared to other boutique amp builders out there. I got both of mine at a store here in Houston. But I know know they aren't easy to find at your local store, but amazing amps, to me at least. A great 4watt amp at a great price is the vox ac4. I bought one last year and still love it. It's loud, sounds great for clean, has the 1/4, 1, and 4 watt selection, so you have clean head room, to a great tube breakup overdriven sound at lower volume. Takes pedals great also. Depending on budgets and what you want to invest, Z or ac4 are great. Either way when you go to a store and plug in, your ears and how you feel will tell you the righ amp!

    Thanks!! This is great. I'm heading to Phoenix in a couple weeks, maybe I can stop and try a few of these out.
  • BHealyBHealy Flagstaff, Arizona Posts: 466
    So, I've been seriously looking at the Fender Princetons. I saw some demos online and they sound great. One is supposed to be a reissue (the 65), and a bit more expensive, and the other (the 68) has "a modified tone circuit gives modern players greater tonal flexibility with pedals." Any thoughts on these two?
    Thanks guys!
  • BHealy wrote: »
    So, I've been seriously looking at the Fender Princetons. I saw some demos online and they sound great. One is supposed to be a reissue (the 65), and a bit more expensive, and the other (the 68) has "a modified tone circuit gives modern players greater tonal flexibility with pedals." Any thoughts on these two?
    Thanks guys!

    My fiance's dad has a Princeton Recording and it's one of the nicest sounding amps I've ever heard. I'll have to get the specs
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • BHealyBHealy Flagstaff, Arizona Posts: 466
    Yeah, I've heard good things! I'd be curious what he has (year, etc.).
  • BHealy wrote: »
    Yeah, I've heard good things! I'd be curious what he has (year, etc.).

    I'll check in the morning and get back to you with the specs.
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • BHealyBHealy Flagstaff, Arizona Posts: 466
    Alright!! I found out today I got a bonus at work, so I've got the go ahead for a new amp!!! One of the Fender Princetons would still be the frontrunner. I can spend up to about $1000 (less is okay, obviously!). Any others I should try? Thanks guys!
  • I love all fender tube amps but at that price range I'm going to throw the fender deluxe reverb out there
  • Stickman12 wrote: »
    I love all fender tube amps but at that price range I'm going to throw the fender deluxe reverb out there
    As good of an amp as it is, I think the low-watt tube amp comes into play.

    If you can spend a bit, the Princetons are good. Also check out orange amps. The crush series are small and great. Also, a pignose is very good for practice but not for gigging.
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • mccreadyisgodmccreadyisgod Bumfuq, MT Posts: 6,395
    I'm sticking with Blues Jr or Princeton. The Blues Jr is gonna be a bit more bass-heavy, and can even tend toward muddy (a new speaker can help with this). The Princeton is gonna have better midrange and clarity, but not sound as big. I prefer the Princeton, but the Blues Jr with a speaker upgrade is a very nice amp.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • BHealyBHealy Flagstaff, Arizona Posts: 466
    Thanks!! I'm heading to Guitar Center tomorrow to try them out. Deluxe reverb would be awesome too, but I don't know about a 40 watt beast. :) I'll definitely try some others too. I'm the type that shops for a long time, and then I keep whatever I buy forever... Thanks!
  • BHealyBHealy Flagstaff, Arizona Posts: 466
    22 watts.....actually.
  • BHealy wrote: »
    Thanks!! I'm heading to Guitar Center tomorrow to try them out. Deluxe reverb would be awesome too, but I don't know about a 40 watt beast. :) I'll definitely try some others too. I'm the type that shops for a long time, and then I keep whatever I buy forever... Thanks!

    Nothing wrong with that! Shelling out that kind of bread is a commitment, haha. I did the same with my jeep (got it this year). Try different amps, too. Though it's not as big of a deal (like with guitars) I notice that the same model can sound different depending on the amp. If possible, see if you can bring YOUR guitar with you. Also, check out craigslist...I've gotten most of my gear there or ebay. Keep us posted!
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • BHealyBHealy Flagstaff, Arizona Posts: 466
    BHealy wrote: »
    Thanks!! I'm heading to Guitar Center tomorrow to try them out. Deluxe reverb would be awesome too, but I don't know about a 40 watt beast. :) I'll definitely try some others too. I'm the type that shops for a long time, and then I keep whatever I buy forever... Thanks!

    Nothing wrong with that! Shelling out that kind of bread is a commitment, haha. I did the same with my jeep (got it this year). Try different amps, too. Though it's not as big of a deal (like with guitars) I notice that the same model can sound different depending on the amp. If possible, see if you can bring YOUR guitar with you. Also, check out craigslist...I've gotten most of my gear there or ebay. Keep us posted!

    That's a good call!! I'll bring my strat down with me, I think. I've got some pretty bright sounding strings on it (Ernie Ball Slinky Cobalts). Thanks!
  • BHealyBHealy Flagstaff, Arizona Posts: 466
    I got the Princeton 68! It sounds amazing- I ended trying a Marshall 15 watt, a Blues Junior, and the Princeton at Guitar Center. I was totally sold on the Princeton. It just sounded so much warmer than the Blues Junior, and the Marshall actually sounded horrible, honestly. I don't know if something was wrong with it, or there was something interfering with it, but even the cleans had a horrible buzz, on both channels. I think my wife was a little disappointed in the Marshall because it was cheaper. :)

    She told me later she didn't want to say anything at the time, but she totally loved the sound of the Princeton. Thanks guys for all your input!
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