Legalizing Marijuana
whispering hands
Under your skin Posts: 13,527
Welcome to the circus Oregon.. That's three states now.. How long do you think it'll take to re-legalize Pot in a fully on board manner? ( because hemp used to be legal, it was even so valuable it was used as tender, with seeds being the greatest form of currency). I've noticed here in Colorado that kids are getting this fucking crazy potent stuff here, ( we have strains that are upwards if 26% THC, CBD! If you know your pot, that stupid crazy!) and honestly, I don't think they know how to handle it. It is effecting them adversely.
Thoughts? Oregonians, your thoughts?
Thoughts? Oregonians, your thoughts?
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
2-feign, I've been smoking since my early teens and pulled badass grades while in school. Most of my friends/classmates fared the same. And, all these years later, I think my brain's doing alright
Last year, shortly after it was made legal.. Not overdosing or anything..( that WOULD take a shit ton of Pot to do!!) but they ate too much if the concentrated edibles.. One man went crazy and shot his wife in the face, and the other jumped off a three story balcony... But that was pure idiocy! None the less, Pot has officially caused only two deaths.. At least on record that I know of.. I'll try to look those articles up.. Was insane!
One man jumped to his death after consuming a large amount of marijuana contained in a cookie, and in the other case, a man allegedly shot and killed his wife after eating marijuana candy.
Wyoming college student Levy Thamba Pongi, 19, jumped to his death at a Denver hotel on March 11 after eating more of a marijuana cookie than was recommended by a seller, police records show - a finding that comes amid increased concern about the strength of popular pot edibles after Colorado became the first state to legalize recreational marijuana.
Pongi consumed more than one cookie purchased by a friend - even though a store clerk told the friend to cut each cookie into six pieces and to eat just one piece at a time, said the reports obtained Thursday.
Pongi began shaking, screaming and throwing things around a hotel room before he jumped over a fourth-floor railing into the hotel lobby March 11. An autopsy report listed marijuana intoxication as a "significant contributing factor" in the death.
Marijuana cookies and other edibles have become increasingly popular since Colorado allowed people 21 and over to buy recreational marijuana this year at state-regulated stores. Federal authorities don't regulate edible marijuana because it remains illegal under federal law.
In a separate case, a Denver man, Richard Kirk, 47, is accused of killing his wife, Kristine Kirk, 44, on Monday while she was on the phone with a 911 dispatcher. Police say he ate marijuana-infused candy and possibly took prescription pain medication before the attack, according to a search warrant affidavit released Thursday.
The affidavit states that Kristine Kirk told the dispatcher her husband had ingested marijuana candy and was hallucinating.
She pleaded with dispatchers to hurry and send officers because her husband had asked her to get a gun and shoot him. She said she was "scared of what he might do."
Richard Kirk could be heard in the background of the 911 call talking about the candy he bought from a pot dispensary earlier that night, and surveillance footage from the shop captured the transaction, police said.
A detective who interviewed him after the killing noted that he appeared to be under the influence of controlled substances based on his speech and inability to focus, according to the warrants. Blood samples will be tested to see whether he was on any drugs or medications
After voters approved recreational pot, Colorado lawmakers tasked regulators with setting potency-testing guidelines to ensure consumers know how much pot they're eating. Those guidelines are expected to be released next month.
Lawmakers also required edible pot to be sold in serving sizes of 10 milligrams of THC, marijuana's intoxicating chemical.
The cannabis industry tries to educate consumers about the potency of marijuana-infused foods. But despite the warnings - including waiting for up to an hour to feel any effects - complaints by visitors and first-time users have been rampant.
Investigators believe Pongi, a native of the Republic of Congo, and three friends from Northwest College in Powell, Wyo., traveled to Colorado on spring break to try marijuana.
At their hotel, the group of four friends followed the seller's instructions. But when Pongi felt nothing after about 30 minutes, he ate an entire cookie, police said.
Within an hour, he began speaking erratically in French, shaking, screaming and throwing things around the hotel room. At one point he appeared to talk to a lamp.
"'This is a sign from God that this has happened, that I can't control myself,'" Pongi told his friends, according to the reports. "'It's not because of the weed.'"
Pongi's friends tried to restrain him before he left the room and jumped to his death, police said.
One of his friends told investigators it may have been his first time using the drug - the only one toxicology tests found in his system. All three friends said they did not purchase or take any other drugs during their stay.
Legalizing this stuff, I think we should make sure we know what we're in for if we do.
As to it catching up with me...hell, life itself can do that. I'm good with the choices I've made and continue to make in this particular realm.
Only able to use it sparingly because I work with very serious machinery, or in jobs where it is required to provide clean drug screens. But if I could, I would. It really does ease my
Paranoia.. And I have Acute Social Anxiety Disorder, as well as other Chemical imbalance issues, likeBP, ADHD, and PTSD. And [Marijauna]helps me, plus, it's much cheaper than the psycho meds they have me on.. So like I was saying it doesn't effect everyone the same. I honestly think it's a matter of knowing what you can handle.. Again thank you for your view point, and I am very sure that you are not the only one that sees those effects so distinctly as you would, be a clinician. So thank you for your participating in this conversation. Cause it really should be held more often. There certainly needs to be more research done in gijngs as they stand NOW. I mean seriously, like I said before, in Denver there's more than one strain at 26%! That's nuts!!
Of course there is a risk, but that puts it in the same boat as EVERY SINGLE drug.
Her having legal access to weed has been a godsend in her coping.
That some are up in arms over this is just beyond me. Always will be.
myself i stick to the medical dispensaries cause it's less expensive and they offer better choices...and the peeps working at them are cool and don't try to pressure sell me on anything. the big plus being i'm experiencing alot less pain and i'm sleeping better than i have in yrs...
guess some people just have to have something relatively harmless to spazz about
angels share laughter
And I'm totally fine with people saying smoking is pot is bad for you as long as they are ok with me saying that as long as the smoker is being responsible that's ok too. I totally respect people who are straight edge and really, that probably is a very healthy choice. At the same time, if people want to use recreational drugs (including alcohol and cigarettes which have almost always been legal) that should be a personal choice.
As far as people freaking out or hurting themselves while high, that's avoidable with education. If people are educated about the use of drugs and still freak themselves out or hurt themselves, that's because they did not listening to what they were taught. And if someone harms someone else because they were doing something stupid while high, they should pay the consequences for the crime. Doing others harm is a crime but getting high itself should not be a crime. It really should be a choice.
As far as major freaking out- I'm guessing there are far more people who have freaked out or had anxiety attacks due to the tensions and pressures of modern society than there are people who have freaked out or had anxiety attacks from getting loaded as a way to escape those pressures and tensions for a few hours.
And at the VERY LEAST, medical marijuana should be legal universally.
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"