Anyone angry they waited too long to get a guitar?

My Halloween treat was a new Taylor 816ce. I love this guitar but I'm really ticked off at myself for waiting so long to get it. I had a very nice custom shop Martin but I fell into this trap that it didn't sound like I wanted because I was doing something wrong (hell it is a Martin right?).
Well, after about 6 years I finally said enough with waiting and got the 816ce and it was everything I was looking for in an acoustic (ease of play, decent low end, much brighter than the Martin). I haven't been excited to play acoustic in a couple years and now I'm fired up. I just wish I had got it sooner.
It was a tough call between the 814ce and the 816ce but I liked the low end better on the 816.
Well, after about 6 years I finally said enough with waiting and got the 816ce and it was everything I was looking for in an acoustic (ease of play, decent low end, much brighter than the Martin). I haven't been excited to play acoustic in a couple years and now I'm fired up. I just wish I had got it sooner.
It was a tough call between the 814ce and the 816ce but I liked the low end better on the 816.
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
I'm also bothered that after I started playing bass, I told myself I need a P-Bass. I went and bought several other guitars and basses, until I finally got a P-bass. Thats been the main bass ever since.
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
Like a few guys said already, it depends on whether you'll play the guitar. If you buy a shiny object to let it sit in the case, what did you gain? But if it's that guitar that calls you to play more, or to play in new ways, that's a guitar you shouldn't wait on it. Imagine if Clapton never found Blackie, or Jimmy Page never found his Les Paul, or Angus Young his SG. If you can find that instrument that melds with you, becomes part of your DNA… why wait?
I regret not starting to learn guitar as a teen (I was too intimidated) and waiting until middle age, but if you had told me 5 years ago when I started and didn't even know how to hold the thing that I'd be able to play Rush's Xanadu in that short of time, well, better late than never.
Gibson's price increases seem outrageous to me. I have a Gibson Les Paul Studio Deluxe from Guitar Center, that I love. I don't really understand why the other models are so much more, but esthetically they look great with the binding.