Letters from a soldier ( story )

Chapter 1
Thomas -Tom Cat- Mackey was a bright child, well liked, kind, and intelligent beyond his years. His shock of wavy auburn hair, was often found hanging over his crystalline blue eyes. He was always the friend of the underdogs, and loved his country. His school years were filled with Patriotic shows of support, he rallied around the troops every chance he could, dreaming of his 18 th birthday, when he could enlist. He got his first job at an army surplus store in his small redneck town, and he spent all his energy on school work, not wanting to sully his chances at an Army career. While the other kids in high school were making out, going to parties, or getting drunk, Tom Cat Mackey was buried in a book, or practicing drills. His grandfather had died serving in the Korean War, his father had served.. And one day he would too. Our story begins on Tom Cat's 18th birthday..
The sun was barely peeking up over the Banyon trees, shearing through the swamp moss, bending gently across the horizon to light the world on that glorious morning. Tom Cat leapt to attention, though no order was given. He quickly dressed and made. His bed quarter tight, and brushed his teeth. Leaning against the sink, he brushed his wavy mop from his eyes, drew in a deep sigh, and opened the drawer on his right. Gleaming proudly back at him, the clippers seemed like a beacon. Withdrawing them, he plugged them
In, and turned the device on. A warbling yawn caused him to turn around, there stood his little brother. While he was only 10, little brother Mike was the exact opposite of his older sibling. Sloppily dressed, and sporting fake tattoos across his body, he snorted at Tom. " Dork".
Tom just smiled, and continued what he had started.. Locks of hair fell away, exposing a bright bald dome. " wow, I didn't think you could get any dumber looking, big brother". " Dumber is not a word, little brother, it's ' more dumb'". " God Damn you're a nerd!" Mike pushed his way into the coveted spot in front of the mirror, and began to fix his own hair. " Mouth, Mikey!!" " yeah, yeah.."
Head shaved, and teeth brushed, Tom headed downstairs, where he discovered his parents were quarreling.. Again. It seemed they did this more often these days. He paused on the stairs, to listen, though he knew it was rude. Mikey charged up behind him, but stopped short when he realized what was happening. "What's it about this time?" He whispered, clutching his big brother's shirt tail. "Shhh, I don't know.".
Dishes slammed onto the table, and their dad could be heard trying to quiet their distraught mother.."You're going to wake the boys!" " Oh please!! You KNOW Tom is awake, so, so is Mikey! Tom gets up at the crack of dawn like he's ALREADY in the fuckin Army!!" Mikey giggled, "See?? Mom curses too you dweeb!" " God, Mikey, she's obviously upset, it's not funny". " You know that they're fighting over you, right?" Tom turned on the stairs, and stared angrily at his little brother. " Why is everything a joke to you?" Mikey looked shocked, and tried to feign his innocence. " But they ARE fighting about you, dad thinks you SHOULD join the Army, but mom is scared you'll come home like Dad, all jacked up, or not at all". " Just shut up!" Tom had never considered this.. He'd been so wrapped up on his own wants, that he'd never thought about how it would affect his family. He ran down the last few stairs, and into the kitchen where his mother was mid sentence, pointing a fork in his direction. He skidded to a quick halt, to avoid get forked. His Dad turned, holding his dead arm, and trying to calm down. His mother stammered a weak 'good morning' and she pulled out a chair to sit; head in hands. She began to sob.
Thomas -Tom Cat- Mackey was a bright child, well liked, kind, and intelligent beyond his years. His shock of wavy auburn hair, was often found hanging over his crystalline blue eyes. He was always the friend of the underdogs, and loved his country. His school years were filled with Patriotic shows of support, he rallied around the troops every chance he could, dreaming of his 18 th birthday, when he could enlist. He got his first job at an army surplus store in his small redneck town, and he spent all his energy on school work, not wanting to sully his chances at an Army career. While the other kids in high school were making out, going to parties, or getting drunk, Tom Cat Mackey was buried in a book, or practicing drills. His grandfather had died serving in the Korean War, his father had served.. And one day he would too. Our story begins on Tom Cat's 18th birthday..
The sun was barely peeking up over the Banyon trees, shearing through the swamp moss, bending gently across the horizon to light the world on that glorious morning. Tom Cat leapt to attention, though no order was given. He quickly dressed and made. His bed quarter tight, and brushed his teeth. Leaning against the sink, he brushed his wavy mop from his eyes, drew in a deep sigh, and opened the drawer on his right. Gleaming proudly back at him, the clippers seemed like a beacon. Withdrawing them, he plugged them
In, and turned the device on. A warbling yawn caused him to turn around, there stood his little brother. While he was only 10, little brother Mike was the exact opposite of his older sibling. Sloppily dressed, and sporting fake tattoos across his body, he snorted at Tom. " Dork".
Tom just smiled, and continued what he had started.. Locks of hair fell away, exposing a bright bald dome. " wow, I didn't think you could get any dumber looking, big brother". " Dumber is not a word, little brother, it's ' more dumb'". " God Damn you're a nerd!" Mike pushed his way into the coveted spot in front of the mirror, and began to fix his own hair. " Mouth, Mikey!!" " yeah, yeah.."
Head shaved, and teeth brushed, Tom headed downstairs, where he discovered his parents were quarreling.. Again. It seemed they did this more often these days. He paused on the stairs, to listen, though he knew it was rude. Mikey charged up behind him, but stopped short when he realized what was happening. "What's it about this time?" He whispered, clutching his big brother's shirt tail. "Shhh, I don't know.".
Dishes slammed onto the table, and their dad could be heard trying to quiet their distraught mother.."You're going to wake the boys!" " Oh please!! You KNOW Tom is awake, so, so is Mikey! Tom gets up at the crack of dawn like he's ALREADY in the fuckin Army!!" Mikey giggled, "See?? Mom curses too you dweeb!" " God, Mikey, she's obviously upset, it's not funny". " You know that they're fighting over you, right?" Tom turned on the stairs, and stared angrily at his little brother. " Why is everything a joke to you?" Mikey looked shocked, and tried to feign his innocence. " But they ARE fighting about you, dad thinks you SHOULD join the Army, but mom is scared you'll come home like Dad, all jacked up, or not at all". " Just shut up!" Tom had never considered this.. He'd been so wrapped up on his own wants, that he'd never thought about how it would affect his family. He ran down the last few stairs, and into the kitchen where his mother was mid sentence, pointing a fork in his direction. He skidded to a quick halt, to avoid get forked. His Dad turned, holding his dead arm, and trying to calm down. His mother stammered a weak 'good morning' and she pulled out a chair to sit; head in hands. She began to sob.
Post edited by whispering hands on
Edna wiped her nose with the kitchen towel tucked into her waist band, and rose. She stood facing her oldest son and in a tiny, shaky voice, finally spoke. "Do what you need to do, Tommy, you're a man today. If you feel that the Army is where you belong, then go with my blessing. Just know that I will be worried sick until you come home to me." She began to head towards the first floor powder room as the front door squeaked open and greetings were exchanged. Mikey, who'd been eavesdropping in the front room, rushed in, face flushed with awe. " Tom Cat, the Army recruiter is here, and he's fucking HUGE!!" "Mikey," " I know.. Mouth.. But for real!!" Tom looked up from his seat, and in the doorway stood the biggest man he'd ever seen.
He stood at least six foot six, heavily muscled, and yet not threatening. The guy's neck was so thick, that his scalp wrinkled at the base of his skull. Tom could only think he was no where near worthy in his own scrawny build.. Talk about Army Strong!! His father walked in behind the recruiter offering him coffee and a seat. Tom stood up quickly, thrusting out his hand, " I'm Thomas Mackey, but folks call meTom Cat. And I have been waiting 18 years for this day Sir!" The recruiter's handshake was strong, and short, his smile reserved and professional. " Good Morning Thomas," his eyes gleamed with pride in finding a patriotic youth so excited about the honor of serving in the greatest Millitary force in the world." It is an honor to meet a young man with your exuberance!" Tom looked over at his father, as if looking for reassurance. The smile on his face told Tom everything he needed. His dad was proud of him, very very proud. "I'm the recruiting officer for the 4th Infantry Division if the United States Army. You may call me Officer Demarius."
" Yes, Sir Officer Demarius, thank you so much for coming to talk to me this morning!" " I understand that today is your 18th birthday, and your wish is to enlist?" His father set a cup of steaming hot coffe before Officer Demarius, and again offered him a seat. Then he brought Tom and himself a cup, before he left to retrieve his wife, who was composing herself in the powder room. Tom and the officer sat, and Tom noticed for the first time, the briefcase atOfficer Demarius' side. His parents returned and took their seats, his mother clutching his father's good hand, like she was holding on for life, as Officer Demarius reached down and placed the briefcase on the table.
At 6:00 a.m. The Plaquemine Greyhound stop was deserted, and they were the only ones there. Tom retrieved his ticket from an old woman behind the counter who looked tired and worn out. He told her his name and that he was there to pick up a ticket to Baton Rouge. Without even looking up from her Reader's Digest Large Print Edition, she slid his ticket to him under the bullet proof glass window, and irritably told him not to get killed. Tom stood there for a moment, not quite sure how to respond to that. He stammered out a bewildered 'yes Ma'am', which got her attention. She looked up at him through the worn, milky window, her watery brown eyes were grey in the centers with cataracts, and it was obvious that she hadn't been able to read in quite some time. Tom smiled at her anyways as she asked him to repeat his question. He spoke up some and repeated himself. " I said, 'yes, Ma'am.' You said, don't get myself killed.. I said, Yes, Ma'am". She smiled blindly in his direction as a young Mexican man walked in wearing a 76 gas station uniform from a room in the back of the window box. "Thank you Grandma, I'm back now." He held a hand out to help her from her stool, and guide her to the back room. "I'll be right with you, sir." Tom chuckled softly and informed the man that his Gradmother had already given him his Bus ticket. " Ah, the Army Man!" He smiled over his shoulder at Tom, and for the first time, Tom saw the long scars across his cheek and neck, down Into his chest. The you g man got his elder settled and returned to the window where Tom had been joined by his mother and younger brother. He acknowledged them all and made sure they were all there for Tom's departure and not Gasoline. Then he smiled proudly as he announced that he was also an Army vet. Tom was a little blown away by that statement.. This guy was so young! The war, if you could really call it that these days, had been going on for over ten years off and on, but the first of many hard realities were starting to sink in. The war was real, and this young man had barely survived a shrapnel bomb, and had been discharged due to the injuries, just as his father had. He was more resolved than ever that this was the right thing to do. He sucked up his fears and took up his courage, along with his now checked duffel bag just as the bus pulled up. " Hey Tom," called the station attendant. Tom turned to see what he wanted,, " Serve well," he stood at attention and saluted Tom with a wide smile across his face, " serve proud!" Tom saluted him back, and turned to say his good-byes. His mother clutched him tightly, his father shook his hand, fighting tears. Mikey broke down and hugged him as he never had before. Then he looked up at him and sobbed, " Where's the posters Tom Cat, I wanna hang em' back up.. I want to remember you. I want to see them and think if you!" He was crying like Tom had never seen him do, and in front of their dad.. So he knew it was for real. He gave him a huge bear hug back, picking him up off the ground as the bis driver loaded his duffel bag under the bus, and waited to ask for the ticket. " They're in the garage in the box by the door, Mike." He put his brother down, and knelt in front of him. " Mikey, you're it now, take care of our room, help dad with anything he asks you to, ok?" Mikey nodded vigorously and wiped the snot from his nose as he tried to suck up his emotions. " Anything else you think I might mention?"
Mikey laughed. "I'll watch my mouth, I promise!" One last hug from everyone, and Tom boarded the bus. This chapter was closing, and a new one was opening.. The bus lurched forward, carrying Him to Baton Rouge, where he met three other new recruits from the state of Louisiana, and they boarded a plane to Georgia to report for basic training.
The last drill commenced and they were mock warring against another platoon in their company. Tom knew he had to concentrate, but couldn't. Blanks sounded and he realized, this may not be for real now, but in 6 days it very likely would be. He pushed Cheri-Anne from his mind, and his training took over. He fell in tight with his Platoon and began to organize a strategy, a crazy scheme of one mouse two cats. Soon it was over. In record time his platoon had eradicated their enemy, and their leader was a gentleman, giving their staff Sargent the news the Tom had planned it perfectly. This drew some suspicion, as Tom had let his strategic genius lie dormant til the very last day, but instead of being angry with the platoon leader, he simply awarded the laudation to Tom.