Driving to Camden over the Ben Franklin Br

mcocozzamcocozza Posts: 170
edited May 2006 in Given To Fly (live)
Hey all, hoping for some advice here. I've always hit the Tweeter Center from the Jersey side, as I'm going to do Saturday. Sunday I'm coming in from North Philly, and hoping for some advice.

How bad is the Ben the day of the show? I'm just shooting in for the show on Sun, no tailgate, so planning to come over the bridge around 5:30 or so. What kind of backup is there at that point? Do you recommend exit 4 or 5a from this direction? Any help is appreciated, though I am *definitely* driving...not taking public transportation (for other post show reasons). Thanks!
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  • AlessianaAlessiana Posts: 329
    mcocozza wrote:
    Hey all, hoping for some advice here. I've always hit the Tweeter Center from the Jersey side, as I'm going to do Saturday. Sunday I'm coming in from North Philly, and hoping for some advice.

    How bad is the Ben the day of the show? I'm just shooting in for the show on Sun, no tailgate, so planning to come over the bridge around 5:30 or so. What kind of backup is there at that point? Do you recommend exit 4 or 5a from this direction? Any help is appreciated, though I am *definitely* driving...not taking public transportation (for other post show reasons). Thanks!

    i'm looking for an answer to this one too. i'm concerned about missing the ferry. i can't chance that so i'm wondering how to time this.



    Tell them you love them. Never let the mundane, the unimportant, or worse, the misunderstood, be the final words of parting.

    Tell them.
  • mcocozzamcocozza Posts: 170
    bumpity bump bump
  • normally delayed all over that place- jersey- philly- on a holiday weekend you can probably expect even more..its so disgusting, I cant even think about it.

    8/25/00NY, 9/1/00NJ, 4/30/03NY, 7/2&3/03MSG, 7/14/03NJ, 10/13/04 EdW/Boss, 9/24&25/05 St Johns, 5/13/06CT, 5/27&28/06NJ, 6/1/06NJ, 6/3/06NJ, 6/24/06 OH, 7/15-16/06CA, Lolla07, DC, MSGx2, MA1, ED SOLO NYC1&2!
  • mcocozzamcocozza Posts: 170
    I was actually expecting the holiday weekend to help. Sunday night, everybody that is normally in the Philly area is somewhere close to the beach in S.Jersey.

    I'm meeting another 10c member to pick up a ticket, and do NOT want to be late. I'll just have to leave super early.
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    It shouldn't be that bad...if you are coming from Philly, the venue exit will be on your right.
  • eddiez74eddiez74 Posts: 5
    The bridge isn't bad...it's once you get off the bridge and the cops direct you in the wrong direction and you have to spend 45 minutes just trying to park...that is the fun part.

    And plan on tailgating for hours after the concert. I live 10 minutes from there in NJ, and it sometimes takes me 90 minutes to get home afterwards.
  • mcocozzamcocozza Posts: 170
    Yeah, I grew up in S.Jersey, though most of the post-concert episodes are quite hazy :). That is the plan Saturday night, hang out, hope for the parking lot to empty out.

    My plan for Sunday, since I'm going comletely solo, is to sprint back to the car and get out as quickly as possible, hopefully shaving a half hour or so off. First time I'm doing a show this way (solo, pretty sober)...should be interesting!
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