
It seems to me.. That my soul should appear haunted.. Webs in corners,
Built by times of joy, sadness, hurt, fear.. Many "spiders" have spun here.
As I walk these hallowed halls of the past, I am wrapped up in them.
They cling to me, shattering realty into pieces of the past, opening wounds.
I stand amidst them all, stunned by the wreckage.. The remnants of me..
Very few hold the glittery dew of joy.. I try to turn and revisit them..tangled.
Dusty, pain engulfs my face, and I am brought back to hours of shame, lies.
I shake it off, sweep it to the ground.. And forge ahead.. Tears blur my eyes.
Seconds evolve into hours, what the fuck have I done to my life??? Anger!
My vision goes red..how dare you have done me so wrong, innocent as I was!!
Choking on the stringy webs that steal my life, my will, my soul.
How long can I stand here, breathing the deathly deification of memories past??
I brush myself off, gulping air like a drowning victim.. And focus on the joy ahead.
I just want to smile, to laugh, to remember your voice.. To apologize to you.. Hurt.
How could you know I was broken, as I am swaddled in this web of hurt, the sorrow.
I never meant to hurt you.. To lose you.. But real hurt came with the truth.. I was a game to you!
And again I pull the sticky pieces if my past from my face, and that joyous memory changes, gone!
The sparkles of dew, have all become cocoons of victimized ideals, trapped by your deceptions!
There are only so many joys I had in my life, sadly, I believed you to be one.. I die a bit more with the truth.
I gaze around, entangling myself in other painful past trusts, loves, and faiths gone awry.. I weep.
For I have circled my tangled soul, and worn the webs of my last like swaddling clothes. What I find is sad.
I cannot find any comfort here, and make my way to the present tense..slowly gaining strength.
No more spiders for me I proclaim, as I slam that door shut, brushing off the remaining webs of my history.
Through the window pane in the door, I watch the webs flutter; lock this door, and kill the next spider I see!
Built by times of joy, sadness, hurt, fear.. Many "spiders" have spun here.
As I walk these hallowed halls of the past, I am wrapped up in them.
They cling to me, shattering realty into pieces of the past, opening wounds.
I stand amidst them all, stunned by the wreckage.. The remnants of me..
Very few hold the glittery dew of joy.. I try to turn and revisit them..tangled.
Dusty, pain engulfs my face, and I am brought back to hours of shame, lies.
I shake it off, sweep it to the ground.. And forge ahead.. Tears blur my eyes.
Seconds evolve into hours, what the fuck have I done to my life??? Anger!
My vision goes red..how dare you have done me so wrong, innocent as I was!!
Choking on the stringy webs that steal my life, my will, my soul.
How long can I stand here, breathing the deathly deification of memories past??
I brush myself off, gulping air like a drowning victim.. And focus on the joy ahead.
I just want to smile, to laugh, to remember your voice.. To apologize to you.. Hurt.
How could you know I was broken, as I am swaddled in this web of hurt, the sorrow.
I never meant to hurt you.. To lose you.. But real hurt came with the truth.. I was a game to you!
And again I pull the sticky pieces if my past from my face, and that joyous memory changes, gone!
The sparkles of dew, have all become cocoons of victimized ideals, trapped by your deceptions!
There are only so many joys I had in my life, sadly, I believed you to be one.. I die a bit more with the truth.
I gaze around, entangling myself in other painful past trusts, loves, and faiths gone awry.. I weep.
For I have circled my tangled soul, and worn the webs of my last like swaddling clothes. What I find is sad.
I cannot find any comfort here, and make my way to the present tense..slowly gaining strength.
No more spiders for me I proclaim, as I slam that door shut, brushing off the remaining webs of my history.
Through the window pane in the door, I watch the webs flutter; lock this door, and kill the next spider I see!