PJ 20 Alpine Valley Klausen Autographed and Framed trade for Wrigley Cracker Jack Shuss Poster

I have a PJ 20 Alpine Valley poster autographed by Klausen . It has also been professionally framed.
I'm looking to trade for the Wrigley Field Shuss Cracker Jack Poster.
Also, open to selling the Klausen.


  • mk5877mk5877 Posts: 13
    i have the Wrigley Emek poster, tons of vinyl but can't give up my Cracker Jack. Any interest in trading ?
  • mk5877mk5877 Posts: 13
    or cash. I sent you a message.
  • Can't figure out how to pm on mobile. If you pm me picture of the alpine poster I may have an extra cracker jack
    Dallas '03, ACL '09, PJ20, Lollapalooza Brazil '13, Wrigley '13, Dallas '13, ACL '14, Milwaukee '14, Bonnaroo '16, Wrigley '16, Nashville '22
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