Solo tour - To those who like to scream during songs . . .



    TipJammer wrote:
    Very nice things to say. : ) Enjoy your time away from the board. Don't drag your knuckles too much when you walk. If I see Hitler I'll tell him you said "What up homie".

    Fucking people from LA.

    Way to idiot is an idiot, no matter where they come from. Someone who calls someone a fag, or, someone who claims that his city is 10X smarther then another city, can both be idiots!
  • G ForceG Force Posts: 1,393
    TipJammer wrote:

    Wow, quite the comeback!

    Enjoy your beastiality.
  • InHiding19InHiding19 Posts: 2,385
    Some idiot ruined the Albany boot because of the continuous tone-deaf yelling

    Please dont yell at inappropriate times just to get yourself on the boot, yell with the crowd

    I'm sure that wasn't his intention........I was at Albany and it was a blast (besides the shitty acoustics in the Times Union Center) and I think the boot sounds awesome too............people yell at shows get over it
    Out of the Blue and Into the Black................Uncle Neil Philly 08 here I come!!!!
  • a5pj wrote:
    um yeah it's a concert, people yell, get used to it...

    Sweet can I sit next to you and do Tarzan yells all night long? After all its my right. Please post your seats I offer $500 to anyone within 10 feet for a ticket.

    As you well knew before your post there is a big difference between being excited and cheering when a song starts and finishes and screaming FUCK YEAH WOO HOO 37 times during an acoustic song. There is also a big difference between screaming at the top of your lungs during Blood and Society. One doesn't have to act like a drunken sod or a cokehead to enjoy a concert. Frankly I know drunken sods and cokeheads that I would prefer to sit next to than to some of the people I have had to.

    There's a difference between appreciative fans and dumbasses and if you don't think Ed will notice the difference and prefer the former for this solo tour I think you are mistaken. In these small venues the sound of a bunch of screaming yahoos can not only ruin the show for the people around them but for everyone in the venue and the performer too.
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    Dreamfire2 wrote:
    Please don't scream in my ear repeatedly during the middle of Ed's acoustic songs on the solo tour. These shows are in small venues not giant arenas and Society is not Blood. Please show some respect for the aforementioned Mr. Vedder if not your fellow fans.

    Between every song I am going to yell out DREAMFIRE BLOWS...just in case they release live albums....
  • Tackalac wrote:
    Between every song I am going to yell out DREAMFIRE BLOWS...just in case they release live albums....

    Cool I can become a legend and have a laugh watching Ed asking you to shut the fuck up and you know what this is really about is showing some fucking respect for Ed in these small venues where sound carries like the blast from a nuclear weapon (or nucular as Bush would say).
  • Tackalac wrote:
    Between every song I am going to yell out DREAMFIRE BLOWS...just in case they release live albums....

    Dreamfire 2. Dreamfire 1 has nothing to do with this.

    Between songs I am going to yell, "Where is Mike, where is Mike?".
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    Dreamfire2 wrote:
    Please don't scream in my ear repeatedly during the middle of Ed's acoustic songs on the solo tour. These shows are in small venues not giant arenas and Society is not Blood. Please show some respect for the aforementioned Mr. Vedder if not your fellow fans.

    lol nice

    im sure well here " i love u eddie" a few times
  • You know I always wondered what one of those new combination tasers/mp3 players would come in handy for until seeing some of the stupid posts. Better yet, they weren't listed under the new banned items category for this tour!

    I can see it now WOO HOO FUCK YEAH DON'T TASE ME BRO'. That would be sweet to hear on a boot.
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    Dreamfire2 wrote:
    You know I always wondered what one of those new combination tasers/mp3 players would come in handy for until seeing some of the stupid posts. Better yet, they weren't listed under the new banned items category for this tour!

    I can see it now WOO HOO FUCK YEAH DON'T TASE ME BRO'. That would be sweet to hear on a boot.

    After reading this post I have to ask you to take a five minute time out . Please take the time to just reflect on how unfunny your post was.
  • shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,304
    Dreamfire2 wrote:
    Sweet can I sit next to you and do Tarzan yells all night long? After all its my right. Please post your seats I offer $500 to anyone within 10 feet for a ticket.

    As you well knew before your post there is a big difference between being excited and cheering when a song starts and finishes and screaming FUCK YEAH WOO HOO 37 times during an acoustic song. There is also a big difference between screaming at the top of your lungs during Blood and Society. One doesn't have to act like a drunken sod or a cokehead to enjoy a concert. Frankly I know drunken sods and cokeheads that I would prefer to sit next to than to some of the people I have had to.

    There's a difference between appreciative fans and dumbasses and if you don't think Ed will notice the difference and prefer the former for this solo tour I think you are mistaken. In these small venues the sound of a bunch of screaming yahoos can not only ruin the show for the people around them but for everyone in the venue and the performer too.

    Again, I think you are insulting the PJ fans on this site. Seriously, do you really think that you even have to post this in here let alone make a thread of it. So let me help you all out and let's make a list and catorize each song On three scales. 1) a Wooo Hooo 2) moderate cheer & 3) golf clap. This way for all the PJ fans here they will know how to act when they get there. Please feel free to add any suggestions.

    "Setting Forth" – This one could be tricky. It's a cross between a Woo Hoo and a moderate cheer.
    "No Ceiling" – Golf Clap
    "Far Behind" – Wooo WHooo!!!
    "Rise" – GOlf Clap
    "Long Nights" – Golf Clap
    "Tuolumne" – Golf Clap
    "Hard Sun" (Indio) – Whooo Whooo!
    "Society" (Jerry Hannan) – Golf Clap
    "The Wolf" – Wooo Whoo, You can chant with him!!!!
    "End of the Road" – 3:19 Golf Clap
    "Guaranteed" – Golf Clap

    So there you have it fellow fans, a guide on how to cheer at Ed's shows!!! Now you can all go to the show with confidence and don't have to worry about getting an evil stare from snob members with the proper etiquette. You can thank Uncle D….
  • fanch75fanch75 Posts: 3,734
    Dreamfire2 wrote:
    Please don't scream in my ear repeatedly during the middle of Ed's acoustic songs on the solo tour. These shows are in small venues not giant arenas and Society is not Blood. Please show some respect for the aforementioned Mr. Vedder if not your fellow fans.

    I'm going to go to the shows just to yell at him and let him know that all these accoustic/riot act/protest shitty songs suck, and that he needs to rethink this whole messiah complex thing over and go back and write songs about how it feels to be given to fly on a bright, blue-skied sunny day.

    Oh, and no lectures on the eeeeevils of consumerism either. I don't wanna hear that shit right before he and his entourage jump into a limo after the gig is over. Thanks.
    Do you remember Rock & Roll Radio?
  • Tackalac wrote:
    After reading this post I have to ask you to take a five minute time out . Please take the time to just reflect on how unfunny your post was.

    Please take a one minute timeout to consider what is serious and what is not.

    Maybe I'll just buy some cheap recorders and plant them on the screamers.

    What this thread is really all about is to ask that people take some reasonably intelligent consideration of the fact that this is not a PJ concert, that there will certainly be a lot of acoustic songs, that these are small venues where sound carries extremely well, and that anyone who follows PJ should know by now how Ed would feel about the ridiculously over the top stuff I am talking about. If people can't respect their fellow fans they could at least show some basic respect for Ed and if the can't then fan is the wrong word for them. Also, never once did I say to be completely quiet or silent or not make noise of any kind despite posts implying otherwise.
  • shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,304
    Dreamfire2 wrote:
    Please take a one minute timeout to consider what is serious and what is not.

    this is not a PJ concert, that there will certainly be a lot of acoustic songs, that these are small venues where sound carries extremely well, and that anyone who follows PJ should know by now how Ed would feel about the ridiculously over the top stuff I am talking about. If people can't respect their fellow fans they could at least show some basic respect for Ed and if the can't then fan is the wrong word for them. .

    Thanks for the info "Captain Obvious". I love he talks to Ed on a regular basis.
  • Again, I think you are insulting the PJ fans on this site. Seriously, do you really think that you even have to post this in here let alone make a thread of it. So let me help you all out and let's make a list and catorize each song On three scales. 1) a Wooo Hooo 2) moderate cheer & 3) golf clap. This way for all the PJ fans here they will know how to act when they get there. Please feel free to add any suggestions.


    Unfortunately past experience not only at PJ shows as well as other artists would indicate that there are just a certain percentage of people who think the worlds stops at the end of their nose. If someone will go to say a Paul McCartney concert and scream at the top of their lungs for the entire duration of of Yesterday its likely more would do so at an Eddie Vedder concert. I would think it would be clear I am not talking about the bulk of fans but the small percentage of over the top persons. Now some people I imaging just don't realize how discourteous they are being with incessant over the top screaming or constant phone chatting but there are some who just don't care or maybe who pounded a few too many before the show. Course neither reason nor logic is likely to work on the latter.

    Of course if there IS an acoustic version of Blood lets all go wild. :)
  • Thanks for the info "Captain Obvious". I love he talks to Ed on a regular basis.

    If you've listened to all the official boots and most of the non official ones you would already be aware of times in the past where Ed has tried to get the fans to listen to the softer more personal songs.
  • shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,304
    Dreamfire2 wrote:
    If you've listened to all the official boots and most of the non official ones you would already be aware of times in the past where Ed has tried to get the fans to listen to the softer more personal songs.

    I recall him more talking about crowd surfing and moshing more than anything?? But, if someone would crowd surf just part the seas and when they come in your direction and watch'em fall. Crowd surfing= kick in the nuts. I am all for that.
  • Dylan StoneDylan Stone Posts: 1,145
    Dreamfire2 wrote:
    If you've listened to all the official boots and most of the non official ones you would already be aware of times in the past where Ed has tried to get the fans to listen to the softer more personal songs.

    Yeah. Ok Dude. Thanks for the heads up.

    I'll be sure to keep your posts in mind while I'm at the shows.
  • fanch75fanch75 Posts: 3,734
    Dreamfire2 wrote:
    Please take a one minute timeout to consider what is serious and what is not.

    Maybe I'll just buy some cheap recorders and plant them on the screamers.

    What this thread is really all about is to ask that people take some reasonably intelligent consideration of the fact that this is not a PJ concert, that there will certainly be a lot of acoustic songs, that these are small venues where sound carries extremely well, and that anyone who follows PJ should know by now how Ed would feel about the ridiculously over the top stuff I am talking about. If people can't respect their fellow fans they could at least show some basic respect for Ed and if the can't then fan is the wrong word for them. Also, never once did I say to be completely quiet or silent or not make noise of any kind despite posts implying otherwise.

    Whenever I'm at a show, I'm thinking to myself, "I better consider how the bootleg will sound before I say or do anything. Maybe I should just yell for Dokken and Warrant songs all night so I can piss off the Jamily!"
    Do you remember Rock & Roll Radio?
  • Dreamfire2 wrote:
    Please don't scream in my ear repeatedly during the middle of Ed's acoustic songs on the solo tour. These shows are in small venues not giant arenas and Society is not Blood. Please show some respect for the aforementioned Mr. Vedder if not your fellow fans.
    is it ok if i drop my pants and snort blow off the ass of the bimbo sitting in front of me?????
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • Dylan StoneDylan Stone Posts: 1,145
    is it ok if i drop my pants and snort blow off the ass of the bimbo sitting in front of me?????

    There won't be any bimbos at the Ed shows...Dude, come on now!!

    (PS...But...if you do find one...make sure she's not busy screaming "I loooove you EDDIE!! And for god's sake...make sure she's not sweaty....or your venture will prove rather unsuccessful!)
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    is it ok if i drop my pants and snort blow off the ass of the bimbo sitting in front of me?????

    On one condition,...... you have to time it right in between songs and as you come up with fists clinched, in a burst of extreme pleasure with yourself, YELL to the world: Dreamfire Sucks Donkey Balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    fanch75 wrote:
    I'm going to go to the shows just to yell at him and let him know that all these accoustic/riot act/protest shitty songs suck, and that he needs to rethink this whole messiah complex thing over and go back and write songs about how it feels to be given to fly on a bright, blue-skied sunny day.

    Oh, and no lectures on the eeeeevils of consumerism either. I don't wanna hear that shit right before he and his entourage jump into a limo after the gig is over. Thanks.

    Ok, Dreamfire is a tard, but you are an absolute turd. I guarantee you dont belong at these concerts.............and I guarantee you smell.
  • KeiranKeiran Posts: 393
    is it ok if i drop my pants and snort blow off the ass of the bimbo sitting in front of me?????

    Ok - that made me laugh out loud. But what's a girl to do when the mere sight of the Edster drives her straight to the "Big O" Simply mutter a demure "Oh my"

    Hey, this is a legitimate problem!!!
    I wish a guy like Eddie, would like me.
  • fanch75fanch75 Posts: 3,734
    Tackalac wrote:
    Ok, Dreamfire is a tard, but you are an absolute turd. I guarantee you dont belong at these concerts.............and I guarantee you smell.

    Calm down, tough guy.
    Do you remember Rock & Roll Radio?
  • If Ed gets all political between songs, who's gonna yell "Shut up and sing!!"?

    I can see that...
    1996: Randall's Island I, Hartford
    1998: MSG I, Hartford
    2000: Jones Beach I
    2003: Albany, MSG II, Mansfield II & III, Homdel
    2004: Boston (VFC) I & II
    2006: Albany, Hartford, Boston I and E. Rutherford I
    2008: MSG I & II, Hartford, Mansfield II (saw BostonLou in the FRONT ROW!!) EV-NYC II
    2010: Hartford
    2013 Worcester II, Hartford
    2016 Fenway I
    2018 Wrigley II, Fenway II
  • sk8nshoot1 wrote:
    If Ed gets all political between songs, who's gonna yell "Shut up and sing!!"?

    I can see that...

    I'll plant a camera on them so they can get escorted "OUT!!!"
    sometimes life don't leave you alone
  • QuarterToTenQuarterToTen Cincinnati, Ohio Posts: 3,642
    is it ok if i drop my pants and snort blow off the ass of the bimbo sitting in front of me?????

    as long as you are quiet, i think it's acceptable.
    Nice shirt.
  • I'm pretty sure if someone posted on here lets not all bring clubs and bash the shit out of each other that there would be at least one post within the first 3 saying i paid for the ticket I can bash people if I want even at an acoustic show.

    OK, now that you're probably pissed yes that's a deliberate exaggeration even though there would be such a reply. But it illustrates the basic principle that things are held together by the basic concept that we don't all go batshit. So I'm just saying don't go batshit or make such an unbelievably giant pain of yourself that someone else doesn't go batshit on you or you piss off Ed who maybe next time takes into consideration whether his fans are gonna appreciate the variety of music he'd like to give us the next time he considers a tour like this.
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