FS ACL Sunday Wristband 10/12 Unregistered!!

moses562moses562 Posts: 1,382
Change of plans...Sunday wristband for sale! I think it was $90 or $100 when I bought it...so I am asking $80 and charging $20 for the shipping. I am EXPRESS mailing it through USPS. I can overnight it but will need to get an exact amount. My goal is to sale this, not make $ from shipping. I am not sure on the cost of Express Mail but figure $20 should be close...?

Let me know!

Unregistered Sunday Wristband!
"A man has the right to be as big as he feels it in him to be." Ken Kesey


  • moses562moses562 Posts: 1,382
    Someone feel free to keep me honest...were these single day wristbands about $90 or $100 new?
    "A man has the right to be as big as he feels it in him to be." Ken Kesey
  • moses562moses562 Posts: 1,382
    SOLD! Thanks Slightofjeff!
    "A man has the right to be as big as he feels it in him to be." Ken Kesey
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