Detroit Hotel

what hotel are the majority of the 10C out of towners staying at for the show?


  • pjnuttpjnutt Posts: 28
    I just got a deal on priceline. If you select 3.5 stars, it's $116 plus fees, $140 out the door, gave me the Marriott in the renaissance center.
    9/29/96 NY 8/18/98 EL,MI 8/23/98 Palace,MI 9/8/98 E.Ruth,NJ 9/10&9/11 MSG,NY 8/20/00 Cin,OH 8/21/00 Cbus,OH 10/7/00 Aub Hills,MI 4/25/03 Clev,OH 4/26/03 Piits,PA 6/18/03 Chic,IL 6/21/03 E.Troy,WI 6/25/03&6/26 Clarks,MI 10/2/04 Toledo,OH 10/3/04 GR,MI 9/12/05 London,ON 5/19/06 GR,MI 5/22/06 Palace,MI
  • odbwilkodbwilk Ann Arbor Posts: 7
    That's a nice place
    First show was Crisler in 1994.
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