New York artist creates 'art' that is invisible and collectors are paying millions!!!

27-year-old artist Lana Newstrom says she is the first artist in the world to create invisible "art." In this documentary we traveled to her empty studio to learn more about Lana and her unusual artistic process.
"Just because you can't see anything, doesn't mean I didn't put hours of work into creating a particular piece"
Lana Newstrom, Artist
"Art is about imagination and that is what my work demands of the people interacting with it. You have to imagine a painting or sculpture is in front of you," says Newstrom.
Paul Rooney, Lana's agent, believes she might be the greatest artist alive working today: "When she describes what you can't see, you begin to realize why one of her invisible works can fetch upwards of a million dollars." said Rooney.
Listen to learn more about Lana Newstrom and her invisible art.

27-year-old artist Lana Newstrom says she is the first artist in the world to create invisible "art." In this documentary we traveled to her empty studio to learn more about Lana and her unusual artistic process.
"Just because you can't see anything, doesn't mean I didn't put hours of work into creating a particular piece"
Lana Newstrom, Artist
"Art is about imagination and that is what my work demands of the people interacting with it. You have to imagine a painting or sculpture is in front of you," says Newstrom.
Paul Rooney, Lana's agent, believes she might be the greatest artist alive working today: "When she describes what you can't see, you begin to realize why one of her invisible works can fetch upwards of a million dollars." said Rooney.
Listen to learn more about Lana Newstrom and her invisible art.
I wonder what the resell value is for invisible art would go for.
No one steal my idea!
Really, it's both absurd and sad at the same time.
Hilarious in the stupidity of people to literally buy into this (remember the guy who sold his canned shit?), but sad in the missed opportunities to put such wealth to more productive, constructive uses.
I'm all for capitalism, but jesus.
And I'm exactly is this invisible art transferred from gallery to home?
(please say yes)
In 1952 John Cage "composed" a musical piece called 4'33"- four minutes and thirty three seconds of silence. At least that recording comes with cover illustration and a sleeve and vinyl or case and plastic or tape and case depending on the format. AND it only occupies a small amount of space and time.
The story above might be fake, but check out this story. It's real!! @-)
Canvas painted blue with a white line sells for nearly $44 million
And demetrios, whoa. I could do that. I HAVE done that...when I was six or seven
These gimmicks, like those so wonderfully carried out by this Lara chick, like the third-tit chick, like many more...fine, here are your 10 or 15, ya assholes. And fuck the lot who bought into it.
Now scram.