burning bootlegs to cd question

so its been a looooong time since i've done this, but i cashed in some of my free bootleg coupons and downloaded them to my computer. its my work laptop, so i can't download iTunes so that i can sync it up to my phone.... so i just thought i'd burn them to a few discs. the last time i burned mp3s to disc i used winamp, which i don't really even know the technical specs of what that was doing.... but in any event my question is that i took all these files, clicked burn to disc thinking it would prompt me when disc 1 was full and i'd stick the next one in. long story short, they all fit on the one disc. i went out to my car and it plays the entire thing. am i missing something? is it because my stereo in my car has some mp3 technology that allows it to read these types of files that were burned that must take up a lot less space than what a traditional cd has on it? is there a lack in quality? i just chose the mp3 download because i thought that was the only ones you could use the promo codes on, is that correct?
any help would be appreciated.....i'm clearly a novice at any of this.
any help would be appreciated.....i'm clearly a novice at any of this.