Are you a cat, cat & dog or dog person?



  • oftenreadingoftenreading Victoria, BC Posts: 12,848
    kce8 said:
    We had a very sweet black kitten. She didn't become very old. I swore to myself I would not get another one… :heartbreak:
    A few month later we adopted a 6-week kitten. We just had to do it. It was found with a sibling, near dead smelling like death. It was a hard time to get through the first months, he was really wild nearly out of control and missing most basics. But he was also a fighter. Two weeks after his sterilization, he was just starting to calm down, he too was run over… It hit us hard… 

    Eight years later I think a lot about getting another one… but the cars… :(
    Oh and my neighbours cat will eat it.. lol She is like a monster and our garden is already her territory. 

    We also had two bearded dragons when my son was in ground school. But we just couldn't give them enough space for their needs, so I regret that. My first own pet was a tarantula when I was 21. Great animals! I know you won't believe me. ;) lol

    I'm probably out of luck with pets. That's why I'm still only thinking about a new kitten. 
    I am also a lizard person. 

    Not a Lizard Person. 
    my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
  • HesCalledDyerHesCalledDyer Maryland Posts: 16,456
    Totally a dog person
    PJ_Soul said:
    I've always had cats because they fit my lifestyle better now. I wouldn't want to leave a dog alone at home all day when I go to work. When I retire I will definitely have both. And I will just pray that I get lucky and the cat and dog are best friends, because it is just so adorable when that happens.
    You get to retire in Canada?  We just work til we die here.
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