a place

she's found a place to rest her head.
taking comfort amongst the wild things.
hidden from sight
beneath a blanket of greenery.
the sea...so close...warm tea for her soul.
under the cover of night,
she tiptoes to the circle of cedars.
with the cool earth to her back,
she stares to the heavens.
gently, she raises her hand
plucks a handful of diamonds
from the black canvas of night.
stuffing them in her small pockets
to sprinkle and lace in her dreams
to light the way
taking comfort amongst the wild things.
hidden from sight
beneath a blanket of greenery.
the sea...so close...warm tea for her soul.
under the cover of night,
she tiptoes to the circle of cedars.
with the cool earth to her back,
she stares to the heavens.
gently, she raises her hand
plucks a handful of diamonds
from the black canvas of night.
stuffing them in her small pockets
to sprinkle and lace in her dreams
to light the way