been listening to a lot of floating coffin and mutilator lately. awesome albums. bought drop and master bedroom last week but haven't gotten a chance to listen yet. any thoughts on a next album???
Meat Step Lively/The Dream at Logan Square 7/26/11. Classic lineup + Lars Finberg (The Intelligence) as second drummer. I wish I could have been there. I'll deeply regret not getting the chance to see them with the classic lineup forever. Went to see the new lineup at Thalia Hall when they came by and it was exactly as awesome as I expected it to be...
Great show.
I'm waiting on theirs still.
Warm Slime
3 of my favorites.
Got to meet up with Dan Curran who does the posters. Great guy.
Met John Dwyer out front after the show. Dude is TALL! Really nice too.
I'll be seeing them the next two nights too.
What is cool is that Dwyer is silk screening his own posters now.
Meat Step Lively/The Dream at Logan Square 7/26/11. Classic lineup + Lars Finberg (The Intelligence) as second drummer. I wish I could have been there. I'll deeply regret not getting the chance to see them with the classic lineup forever. Went to see the new lineup at Thalia Hall when they came by and it was exactly as awesome as I expected it to be...
DL of new album (Orc). I think there may be 3 DLs. I forget. been a while.