As I prepare for Greenville I pulled out this today. It's all of the notes/cards/pieces of paper from people on this board who helped bring my project to life. I am so grateful! Thank you PJ community!
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"A man has the right to be as big as he feels it in him to be." Ken Kesey
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,633
Ha! I see my note. I think you need more stickers from this tour. Have fun in GVille!
I'd love stickers from this tour but I've been given so much already. I also loved giving to OYR because of the out pour of stickers that came in. My garage and the notes are a reminder of how great of a community we have here. Best fans ever!
"A man has the right to be as big as he feels it in him to be." Ken Kesey
Have fun in GVille!