Ticketmaster...W T effing F?

So...For shits and giggles, I clicked through on the tour page to see how many tickets were avail for a few shows this tour. I'm going to Memphis 10C reserved, but you never know, right?
I get to the Ticketmaster site and I'm looking at my Memphis show, and I see the upper bowl has some empty seats. I go to look at Milwaukee and I get hit with the "security checkpoint" "type in the phrase below to prevent scalpers" pop up.
This is what I was faced with....

I get to the Ticketmaster site and I'm looking at my Memphis show, and I see the upper bowl has some empty seats. I go to look at Milwaukee and I get hit with the "security checkpoint" "type in the phrase below to prevent scalpers" pop up.
This is what I was faced with....

Bristow 05132010 to Amsterdam 2 06132018
Post edited by ikiT on
Hello Jay,
We’re sorry you saw an offensive word/phrase during the security check on Ticketmaster.com – we promise you won’t see it again! Wondering how it appeared in the first place? Let us explain, from the beginning:
The security check is there to block automated programs (“bots”) that try to tie up our system and buy up our tickets. We use CAPTCHA because no computer program can read distorted text like a human, so when you type those warped random words we know you’re a real live fan and not a bot being used by the bad guys.
CAPTCHA is provided by reCAPTCHA, a project from the smart people at the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. All the words come from old texts they’re scanning and storing in digital format, and sometimes an offensive word or word combination sneaks into the CAPTCHA database despite their best efforts.
Thanks to you, we’ve alerted them to the offensive word/phrase and they’ll erase it from their database. Poof! Gone.
If you need anything else, just reply to this email or visit Help on Ticketmaster.com!
Got a minute? Tell us how we're doing.
Jennifer E.
Ticketmaster Fan Support
World Class Service - Every Customer, Every Day!
I like the condescending way they explain CAPTCHA, and then how they say that they've alerted "them" about the offensive phrase, even though I didn't tell them what the offensive phrase even was. "Poof! Gone."
still dicks.
No response. Zero. Nothing. Perhaps I needed more exclamation points. !
Ticketbastard indeed.
So, that’s the extent of your responsibility for offending my sensibilities or perhaps the sensibilities of any person who has been a victim of sexual assault? Again, the Captcha phrase that I got was “no means no” which, if you are unaware, is an anti RAPE slogan. That’s beyond inappropriate, and is pretty close to the worst corporate behavior that I personally have ever witnessed. Totally unacceptable.
As for the cheerful “we’re sorry you saw an offensive word…” email? Protecting me from “bad guys” and then shirking the responsibility of the word combination “sneaking in” off on “smart people” “-we promise you won’t see it again!” and then alerting them to the offensive word (before I told you what it was, mind you…) so they could “Poof”! erase it from their database? That, and the tone of that, offends my intelligence.
Being a long time Pearl Jam fan, I already don't like you. Hey, I don’t have a twitter account or a Facebook account, (although I may get one just because of this incident) but I’ll be sure to tell every person who mentions the word “Ticketmaster” to me, just what my experience with your awful company has been.
Thanks for nothing.
What'd you want them to do? Call you personally and apologize? Give you free tickets? Fire an employee?
Scripted customer service responses are wrong.
Outraged is your word, not mine. Offended was the word I used.
Perhaps it's just me, but I felt the response from "Ticketmaster Fan Support", (offering World Class Service - Every Customer, Every Day!) concerning the 3rd party software was canned and quite disingenuous. I hadn't told them what the phrase even was, I certainly didn't type it into the Captcha box when I saw it, and then they preemptively told me they had the phrase removed from the database...
I don't want them to do anything for me or give me anything....all I want for that particular company is to know that I see them for what they are, big business trying to act like they're my friend, while they lie right to my face.
I hate to use a blanket statement but people are to easily offended now.
Pearl Jam has used ticketmaster for at least the last 16 years. So if they have gotten over the issue I think it is time for to as well.
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"...I changed by not changing at all..."
If faced with the same Captcha phrase while looking for Baltimore Orioles or Kanye West tickets, I would have had the exactly the same reaction.
Definitely agree it should be removed from the database.
What I do personally feel is a growing backlash against the postmodern language police. People who try to control language are far more frightening to me than offensive language itself. I cannot imagine -- and don't even want to imagine -- a world that has been stripped of all meaning because politically correct speech has sanitized the character out of our world. It is both a beautiful and an ugly planet, and our language will always reflect that. I prefer to keep it that way.
In the end, I've come to realize that words only have power if I give them power. When I start to feel offended by someone else's speech, I simply shrug my shoulders and refuse to give it any more than that.
BTW, on another note, I am so glad PJ sells tickets through Ticketmaster again. I hated their boycott. I couldn't get tickets to a single show for far too long with the self-styled system they ran themselves. Since Ticketmaster came back on board, I haven't missed a tour.
St. Paul 2014 • Mexico City 2015 • Philadelphia II 2016 • Ottawa 2016 • Amsterdam I & II 2018 • Wrigley Field II 2018 • Phoenix 2022
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