Lost Posters - carpe diem Leeds

UFFYUFFY Posts: 70
I know it's a long shot but I lost a poster tube in carpe diem on tues night. Tried venue numerous times and was one of the last to leave so was hopeful it would turn up. The tube not only had my Leeds posters in it but also a Stockholm one my friends had kindly gone out of their way to get for me. If anyone picked this up by mistake please contact me as it has put a real downer on what was an awesome night up until that point.


  • scribblechapscribblechap Manchester, England Posts: 13
    Hey there

    Sorry you lost your tube...imagine it'd be a pretty horrible feeling.

    Don't know if this'll help at all, but I bought one of the mystery tubes from the merch at Leeds, which had a Berlin, Trieste and Stockholm poster in there.

    I was hoping for a miracle to get a Trieste poster (was in Trieste and stupidly decided not to buy the poster, and regretted it for two weeks) and got a miracle. Crazy. Anyway - if you want my Stockholm poster, you're welcome to it. Wouldn't want any cash for it, but if you'd be happy to pay postage, I can post it out to you this weekend? At least pay back some karma.

    Of course, hope you hear about your tube! But the options there?

    Take care
  • UFFYUFFY Posts: 70
    You are soooo amazing!! Thank you so much. I don't mind paying for it as I was so gutted to lose that one in particular. Let me know how to pay you and I will sort it out ASAP. Leaving for MK today and this has brightened up my day ahead of the journey so much. The Trieste poster is beautiful as well. Thank you again Trudi.
    You have restored my faith in people ☺️
  • alexross42alexross42 Posts: 374
    Scribblechap - a true legend. Good on you :)
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  • scribblechap....this is really cool of you to do this. be well.
    ...just got a fresh bottle.
  • scribblechapscribblechap Manchester, England Posts: 13
    No problems at all! Drop me a message with your address when you're back, and I can get it posted to you - once I've got it sent we can sort something on PayPal.

    Safe journey to MK!
  • JimmyVJimmyV Boston's MetroWest Posts: 19,358

    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
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