Millionth change Username Thread

KL119975KL119975 Charleston, WV Posts: 125
I have read them all and still no answer other than no it can't be done. I had the username mweeps back in 2002. I see others that have "chosen" their names and have not been randomly assigned a series of numbers after their initials. What is the final decree on username? Where is the option to declare your name on a new account?


  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    hi. please create a new thread about this. i will be closing this one at sun down. thank you.
  • FoxyRedLaFoxyRedLa Lauren / MI Posts: 4,810
    I read elsewhere someone emailed 10 and simply asked and succeeded - not sure what the circumstances were...
    Oh please let it rain today.
    Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
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