GA SHARPIE on hand system

I know I am bringing up a "touchy" subject and have probably missed several threads (too old and tired to read all) But here goes... GA line unofficial "sharpie on the hand" system. What is the deal this tour. I am getting a rash just thinking about it. Worse than the rash that the actual sharpie itself gave me last year. I get it..I've been standing in PJ lines since the beginning of PJ. I get the dedication and commitment it takes, BELIEVE me.. But I saw some real ugly stuff go down on LB tour with this system. I had back surgery so it's not easy for me to sit/stand for hours and it makes me a little cranky to have to think of going through this again for 6 more shows. Can someone fill me in as to what people are saying. IF this is enforced this tour by Mr and or Ms self-appointed clipboard/sharpie kind this tour, don't be d-bags.Yours truly, AMY
I wrote a big one with a sharpie on my hand then had it tattooed so Im always first.
No stress
No rash
And I dnt give a fuck about no line with sharpie. Try to cut me and my boys. This I would love to see. 10C has said they dnt condone that system and aren't affiliated with the system. U want rail, u get there before the sun rises in the east, not go fuck around and get trashed but get to cut people who waited cuz u marked a number on your hand. OP, do what others have said and enjoy the cities.