Photos with "celebrities"



  • JH6056JH6056 Posts: 2,427

    JH6056 said:

    I don't have it handy so can't post it right now, but one of my very few photos of me with a celebrity is me with Ani DiFranco. At first I got the very clear vibe that she did NOT want anyone to ask to take pics with her at all, which I can understand. But we had such a great (though brief) conversation, when another woman asked if she could take a picture of us, Ani said yes. But the woman who offered to take the pic (who I didn't know but figured out quickly was also a fan) was so flustered and awestruck, she fumbled the camera and zoomed way in, so the one and only pic I have of me and Ani DiFranco is mostly of our nostrils and also (it was winter) I'm wearing this fake leopard fur hat, and our heads are so pressed together that it looks like Ani's hair is dyed leopard-print... it's a really funny photo, all noses, teeth and leopard-print hair!

    What year was this? I used to love her music. Anything before Plastic Castles.

    Share the pic!

    Sorry just coming back to this - I'm guessing it was '03 but honestly I can't totally remember. I've moved several times in the last few years and my framed pics are in storage in another state, so sadly, no pic to post any time soon. But I do need to find a way to bring that stuff to my state this year, and if I do I'll dig the pic out! I also have a great pic of me with Rosario Dawson that she took before the term "selfie" was a term... I met her at a concert and told her my husband would be *so* pissed he'd missed her, and she said "C'mon, let's show him what he missed!" and she took my camera and we are posing it up... it's cute. There's a lot of stuff in storage... I need to remedy that...
  • courtmcccourtmcc South Jersey Posts: 1,143
    Met Mike at the Flight To Mars show this year! It was just as perfect as I thought it would be. The picture is my avatar!
  • robertstackarmyrobertstackarmy So. WI Posts: 681
    courtmcc said:

    Met Mike at the Flight To Mars show this year! It was just as perfect as I thought it would be. The picture is my avatar!


    I don't have any flight stories... I did meet an actor who was on Twin Peaks, he didn't have a big part in the show, but being a fan it was cool.
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