Is EPA's 30% carbon cut enough?

Saw this on Huffington Post today: The EPA is calling for a 30% cut in carbon emissions by 2030.
In 2007 I organized one of several local "Step it Up" rallies throughout the country (and others through the world) telling Congress we need to cut carbon 80 percent by 2050.
I'm not sure how to do the math but the EPA goal seems more attainable than what we were asking for in 2007. I'm not sure the EPA's guidelines are strict enough to meet the challenge to reduce global warming greenhouse gasses (specifically CO₂) in time but I hope they are and I hope we can reach that goal.
Here's the Huff article:
In 2007 I organized one of several local "Step it Up" rallies throughout the country (and others through the world) telling Congress we need to cut carbon 80 percent by 2050.
I'm not sure how to do the math but the EPA goal seems more attainable than what we were asking for in 2007. I'm not sure the EPA's guidelines are strict enough to meet the challenge to reduce global warming greenhouse gasses (specifically CO₂) in time but I hope they are and I hope we can reach that goal.
Here's the Huff article:
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
Not too many parking lots outside of those windmill farms, only temporary construction jobs are created, when they are done being built, poof people are gone.
800 people work permanently at my nuclear station, at good wages, plus taxes are pumped into the local economy each year. The local towns wouldn't have much without us.
Wind power wouldn't exist if the taxpayers weren't subsidizing it. We don't get that subsidy, so we have to sell our power with a different margin. Laws dictate that wind power must be purchased first, and since it is propped up by the taxpayer it can be sold cheaper than we can.
in any case - i'm so tired of the jobs excuse ... americans all over the country are leaving their families and homes to find work thousands of miles away from home so they can make $12/hr ... meanwhile big corporations continue to make bigger profits and executive pay is going through the roof ...
this notion of jobs is about as stupid as it gets ... not all jobs are worth the same when we consider society into the equation ...
Yvon Chouinard's book Let My People Go Surfing is an excellent, inspiring and informative book about creative jobs that keep people employed and happy and help keep the planet healthy.