Moline for Detroit Trade Offer

I have the following pairs of tix for the Moline show:

Sec 112 Row 20 Seats 19,20
Sec F Row 22 Seats 5,6

I'm looking to trade one of these pairs for a pair for Detroit. Either a pair of 10c tix or a pair in the lower bowl that are not behind the stage. So pretty much any section in Joe Louis Arena except for sections 111-118. If anybody can help me out drop me an email.


  • Tboz51Tboz51 Posts: 2,808
    I offered you 2 seats in 119 and you wanted to wait till the show date to think about it.

    You should be honest in your posts.

    If you are honest people can respect that.

    What your post should say is:

    "I have average tickets to Moline but I want front row tickets to Detroit. Oh, FYI even if you have front row tickets I am going to hold off and see if I can get tickets sitting on the stage itself"

    That would be much much more accurate.

    I will say again, trader beware.

    No matter how many times you delete the thread.
    "Honesty will always be construed as negative to a dumbass"
  • whalers14whalers14 Posts: 92
    dude you hit me back and said you got GA tix and weren't gona do the trade anyway. Whatever, the pair I have would have just gone to someone on this board who needed tix anyway. Also, just cause you make me an offer doesn't mean I have to take it. whatever man.
  • Tboz51Tboz51 Posts: 2,808
    I didn't mind any of your conditions except that you wanted to wait till the day of the show to then if you feel like it trade.

    I'm protecting others in here from wasting time.

    You should illustrate all of your terms.

    That is what will make you a trustworthy to other members.

    So start a brand new thread, delete this one and address your caveat of additional conditions.

    Problem solved and I will let you be.
    "Honesty will always be construed as negative to a dumbass"
  • Ceecee520Ceecee520 Posts: 1
    Dude...what the hell is wrong with you? Reality check he doesn't want to trade with with it.

    In no shape or form does not wanting to trade with you (which another reality check - who would with your brash comments) mean he is an untrustworthy member. I don't know about others but I'd trust I guy who rarely posts over a guy who is obsessed (come on man...over 2700 post)
  • Stickman12Stickman12 Posts: 504
    Have two tickets for Milwaukee for a trade if interested
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