So Casey, while the other two guys here are debating the subtilities of the english language and the size of their cocks and balls.. what are you up to? You're working too hard! We don't get to talk to you anymore!
So Casey, while the other two guys here are debating the subtilities of the english language and the size of their cocks and balls.. what are you up to? You're working too hard! We don't get to talk to you anymore!
Byrnzie is off PJing in France and Italy! He did mention the magazine.. is that what you're talking about?
He went to Paris and Bologna so won't be around again until next week.
if its the mag he did
Did you not learn about metaphors in school? Or did they have to keep it simple for you?
And cocktail sausage? puhhhlease! I'm sorry, if that is your situation. My regards to the Mrs
Proud member of the European Touring Bus 2006!
Thanks for the info............:D
Keep your eyes open, eventually something will happen....
No...Helen told me you're situation....she got an awful shock....she doesn't like cold, shrivelled up pig in a jacket
Its so funny, how we don't talk anymore.......
So that's why she came to me and not you
Proud member of the European Touring Bus 2006!
Internal jukebox reprogrammed
improvement, but could do better
Does that involved getting coated in sweet stuff like chocolate or caramel or something?
Good one :rolleyes:
Your mommas so fat..........;)
thoughts arrive like butterfiles ...
OOOOOO He don't he chases them away...
Proud member of the European Touring Bus 2006!
you missed the
**gets the marshmallows back out**
I'm going... got dinner to get ready! 'bye! Hope you all sort yourselves out by tomorrow!
Proud member of the European Touring Bus 2006!
Blue da ba dee da ba daaa...
the swedish kids song is very funny, funniest thing I've seen in a while
Helen, shut up already!
Heineken Helen 1,622
Byrnzie 1,298
redrock 1,276
dunkman1974 1,199
Irish Al 919
Chime 798
eMMI 753
stonesgstring 677
UKDave 549
V V 514
where is everyone?
5 in a row so far...
*I'll sing on my own since no one is here*