Looking for Mike's Flight To Mars pick

courtmcccourtmcc South Jersey Posts: 1,143
I went to the show with my friend and I got the set list and one of Mike's picks from my good friend Rick but my friend got nothing! I'm trying to find her one because she was sorta upset that she left with nothing. It would be awesome. I have a spare palm tree pick but Mike's name is sorta totally off on the other side..


  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 93,740
    All the best! I've seen many of the new FTM picks showing up on eBay lately since the show day's back. Like so ...

  • willbarclaywillbarclay Ottawa, Canada Posts: 3,298
    Good luck court. :-bd
  • courtmcccourtmcc South Jersey Posts: 1,143
    Yeah, I should have asked after the show like I always do. I know some of the guys so they probably would have spared some.
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