A new color

Not weaving, no
strands strung out in trails
follow this one a while
turn back
follow that one a tad
jump to the next
tangled slightly
mostly curved across or through
paths in a wood would be turning in on
circling past the same landmarks
but from different angles and sides
the light would be different now
and the next time lower or
shining through some other branches
too varied to mention aloud
these paths
but, all there to trace and trod on as a
good walker
one could start a lecture on any one
not that the lecture would necessarily be exciting
it’d just be one option of chatter
too bad there couldn’t be a fascinating costume for each
a makeup and character change
new shoes for each new voice?
pink hair, then silver, next black or orange
(the new ginger)
I can pitter patter chatter on any of these
so many of them are left mute though
out of kindness mostly
I don’t like to hurt people I love!
what’s to be gained by that?
more to be lost by that
unkindness, it’s not my way
and yet, I think it’s not helpful to stay silent
when I could be helpful
so, I tramp around on these strings
the yarn strung out
wound together loosely
spread out in all directions
pine needles crushed under my light feet
and I’m thinking of letting my hair turn silver
I feel I might like the softness of it and
the bright shine of it
I spent the morning wondering about
how to relieve my silence and
I came to the conclusion that the only thing
I really need to say is that I value that
imagination you have
and I wonder why it’s not being
fertilized more in the environment you
have chosen to live in
strands strung out in trails
follow this one a while
turn back
follow that one a tad
jump to the next
tangled slightly
mostly curved across or through
paths in a wood would be turning in on
circling past the same landmarks
but from different angles and sides
the light would be different now
and the next time lower or
shining through some other branches
too varied to mention aloud
these paths
but, all there to trace and trod on as a
good walker
one could start a lecture on any one
not that the lecture would necessarily be exciting
it’d just be one option of chatter
too bad there couldn’t be a fascinating costume for each
a makeup and character change
new shoes for each new voice?
pink hair, then silver, next black or orange
(the new ginger)
I can pitter patter chatter on any of these
so many of them are left mute though
out of kindness mostly
I don’t like to hurt people I love!
what’s to be gained by that?
more to be lost by that
unkindness, it’s not my way
and yet, I think it’s not helpful to stay silent
when I could be helpful
so, I tramp around on these strings
the yarn strung out
wound together loosely
spread out in all directions
pine needles crushed under my light feet
and I’m thinking of letting my hair turn silver
I feel I might like the softness of it and
the bright shine of it
I spent the morning wondering about
how to relieve my silence and
I came to the conclusion that the only thing
I really need to say is that I value that
imagination you have
and I wonder why it’s not being
fertilized more in the environment you
have chosen to live in
Post edited by justam on