Nasa data reveals melting of West Antarctic ice sheet is irreversible.

I won't even bother to post a link because this news is all over the place. Some will deny it is happening, some will deny that this is caused by human activity, some will point out that the melting will take longer than many of us will live. But it's happening and even the thought that it might be irreversible should be cause enough for strong concern.
If this is indeed an irreversible condition it can be slowed down. We can become more educated, drive less and walk more, buy fewer items and try to find the most durable items for the ones we do purchase, lower our energy consumption, recycle more than we do, and support the development of energy efficient products- especially cars. And still have a good time living!
If this is indeed an irreversible condition it can be slowed down. We can become more educated, drive less and walk more, buy fewer items and try to find the most durable items for the ones we do purchase, lower our energy consumption, recycle more than we do, and support the development of energy efficient products- especially cars. And still have a good time living!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
Post edited by Sea on
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
By the way- "dinkum"- good word!
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
"Growth is the ideology of the cancer cell." -Edward Abbey
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
What´s next? Seems like no-one will change something. It´s all about the f..king money.
Growing up in Germany we always were told to do this little normal things like saving water, turning off the lights if you don´t need it... aso. We got this refuse-sorting-system, investing in wind energie, don´t allow gas fracking ....
And the whole world is laughing about us bc Germans are taking all things too serious or it´s pomposity because this is such a little place in the world and it would not have any global effection! Wtf, it´s better doing some little things than nothing.
All this political stuff in the world (incl. here) it´s only about power and money and it´s so frustrating that everone ( specially the governments) exactly know what´s going on but nobody wants to get up his a.. to save our nature.
We voted yesterday - and now we can see what happens again and so we can go on and on - with all the lies and doing nothing more !
Sorry, it looks like I am very frustrated ... (and sorry for my poor english - hope you can get what I mean)
I feel like it should be normal since a long time that we had changed our mind and it would be no question to really change our behaviour to make sure this world will be save for all of it´s creatures !
And your English is quite good. Much better than my Deutsche! Guten Tag. :-)
Great that you have a friend in Münster! It´s a very nice City. I think it´s only a two hour drive from my little city. Did you ever visit Münster? Or will you come to Berlin in June to see PJ ?
I like that you speak german ! Did you got lessons in school ? I didn´t learn it very well in school. Had a bad teacher and it´s so long ago. Never needed it much at work so it´s difficult and I sometimes need a dictionary.
You are right, we Germans used to be a little more responible than the most other countrys but I just think it´s not enough - we could easily do much more. In every areas.
And it´s the first time I hear someone say that others could learn from us. But you are right. The problem is we are such a little state and it feels like others make fun about it. (Don´t know how to say it) Does it looks like a lecture to others? I hope not.
But it´s like everywhere, some people care and some don´t.
That´s one of the things I like about PJ and the members from 10c. It feels like they are good people and they care about more than concerts and their advantages. For me it´s the first time that I got interested in reading or writing in a forum . I never did this bevore and I won´t do it somewhere else. I thought I would waste my time doing something like this. Now I come here so often - I think I am infected
So, great to meet you here and if you ever come to a PJ gig in europe I will be lucky to bring a drink and say hello.
Yes, there are many good people here on the Pearl Jam forum. You will find lots of good folks here! :-)
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
but not now... it´s Tuesday at noon
just reminds me of two friends I have had a long time ago in Texas. Were at their wedding in ´95 and visited them in ´99 after a very hard time... I should had better stay in contact... think I have to write...but I am feeling embarrassed because I didn´t....(perhaps it was bc of the language or life was too tough at that time)
They gave me a typical american birthday-cake with some Becks-beer-cans candels on top of it. So cool! Never saw something like this in Germany before. That was 1999 and he liked beer and I´m not
Why are the smilys not working?
This evening I will get some red wine !!!
It astounds me to read about some of the brave and daring acts Watson was involved in back as far as the early 70's- 40 plus years ago, to remember again how much attention he and his courageous mates helped bring to several environmental issues- particularly regarding the health of the oceans and ocean life- and then then think about how endangered these lives are still.
The fight is far from over. The seas are imperiled, the glaciers are melting, the earth is embattled. This is no time to be reticent. The question is, how can one be more active in a positive way? How does one not just get tired and figure, "wtf, may as well just have a good time and forget about it"? How does one not give up?
Guten Tag und hallo brianlux,
just before I read this I got a call from one of my best friends that she arrived from Mobile (AL). She lives there since last summer with her family bc her husband works there for the next ~ 3 years.
In 1999 they were there for one year and I was there on vacation. It´s so beautiful there. Then there were Hurricanes and this
bad tragedy of oil pollution.
I am far away but as this happens it broke my heart bc I could not believe that this will be healed.
My friend told me that the shoreline is different now. But we didn´t talk so much about it so when I go to meet her later I will
ask her.
I cannot believe that all the big concerns go on with all the lies. They make all this much money and just go on.
Sometimes I think we will not stop beating our nature before it´s too late.
Here in Germany we are planning to give up the nuclear power stations since we were all allowed to hear from this dessaster
in Japan. Meaning this really save nuclear power stations - :( !!! But now all the reactor runners who had made so unbelievable much money all the years want to give a little bit money and than give the reactors up to the state. Because they just know that nobody knows what to do with all the nuclear stuff and how much money it will cost for the next billion years ~X( WTF
So I cannot see how this will work for normal people. I know who will win! For them it´s like: let´s make money - don´t think about the consequences and after all let pay the stupid folk !!! >:)
For me personal I will go on doing the little things that I can and give a f...k about people who don´t want to know and don´t care.
I think we have to fight for all the good things on earth.
Thinking about to read the book you talked about. After that I will give it away to people who care. Danke Dir !
Now I will come too late.
So long....