Vox AC4tv

So earlier today I picked one of these up used for a 100 bucks. Damn am I not having fun with this little amp! Yea I know it's made in China so it has to sound cheap and can't have any quality to it... (Is what I'm sure half of you gear heads are thinking, US or UK made or nothing!). This thing is killer. The 1/4, 1, or 4 watt settings all sound great, depending on the headroom you want at a low volume level. And this thing gets loud (when it comes to valve amps and loudness, most don't realize how much the actual db difference there is). Granted you probably can't gig with this thing, but it is killer. Sure beats the sound of my Z through an attenuater or ac30hw with the master turned down low to enjoy a bedroom level sounds. Just my opinion, felt I should share, haha.
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
My buddy had a similar amp, the 4 watter that Vox keeps putting out in different colors and it sounded good, but there was a bunch of static any time you turned the knobs. I read online that it was a function of the circuit, but that's not something I could look past.
To your point about volume....most people are kinda clueless to who low wattage can be really loud and how higher wattages can be kept under control with certain speakers.