okay I am forced to watch Idol, but Caleb Johnson can fucking sing

hrd2imgnhrd2imgn Southwest Burbs of Chicago Posts: 4,903
Caleb on Idol, has the pipes to be a rock God. I hate idol as I have to watch it with my wife, but this kid can sing. He is a young Chris Cornell who had sex with the kings of Leon Guy and gave birth to him.


  • jason_bouchard88jason_bouchard88 Posts: 220
    edited May 2014
    hrd2imgn said:

    Caleb on Idol, has the pipes to be a rock God. I hate idol as I have to watch it with my wife, but this kid can sing. He is a young Chris Cornell who had sex with the kings of Leon Guy and gave birth to him.

    I don't watch Idol, but I think my Mom had that channel on and the few minutes I was watching, I remember overhearing the song Demons by Imagine Dragons, which is what made me check it out for a few minutes. Is that the guy?
  • drlovemonkeydrlovemonkey Posts: 394
    In the same boat - I watch w my wife and 11 year old son. They love the show - me not so much. But yes - Caleb can sing his ass off.
  • hrd2imgnhrd2imgn Southwest Burbs of Chicago Posts: 4,903
    yes that is him the guy who sung imagine dragons. He made the finals, here is to hoping a rocker finally wins that shit.
  • hrd2imgnhrd2imgn Southwest Burbs of Chicago Posts: 4,903
    working man by Rush

    dazed and confused


    now if he'd just sing Soundgarden
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