Entire family could go to prison for growing Medical Marijuana

When I saw this headline my first thought was for people being busted for something that is not only a victimless crime, but isn't even a crime in the first place- or shouldn't be. My second thought was that this must have happened in, oh I don't know, Alabama, Idaho, Indiana? Guess again-- Washington (state of).
This Entire Family Of Medical Marijuana Patients Could Go To Prison For Growing Pot
Four family members and a close family friend in a rural town in northeastern Washington are facing years in federal prison for growing marijuana for their personal medical use.
Larry Harvey, 70, his wife Rhonda Firestack-Harvey, 55, their son Rolland Gregg, 33, and Rolland's wife Michelle, 35, as well as close family friend Jason Zucker, 38, claim they were individually growing 74 marijuana plants for their own medical use at the Harveys' rural home near Kettle Falls, Washington, as is their right under state law.
"There is no hidden agenda here," Rhonda said Thursday in a statement to the media. "My husband and I are retired, but work hard to live a peaceful, sustainable life in the northeast Washington wilderness. We both have serious health issues and were told by our doctors that medical marijuana could help. All five of us have qualifying conditions, actually, and the garden was below the limit of 15 plants per patient."
"It's outrageous that the federal government is wasting money prosecuting five patients who were in total compliance with state law," Rhonda added.
More at link.
This Entire Family Of Medical Marijuana Patients Could Go To Prison For Growing Pot
Four family members and a close family friend in a rural town in northeastern Washington are facing years in federal prison for growing marijuana for their personal medical use.
Larry Harvey, 70, his wife Rhonda Firestack-Harvey, 55, their son Rolland Gregg, 33, and Rolland's wife Michelle, 35, as well as close family friend Jason Zucker, 38, claim they were individually growing 74 marijuana plants for their own medical use at the Harveys' rural home near Kettle Falls, Washington, as is their right under state law.
"There is no hidden agenda here," Rhonda said Thursday in a statement to the media. "My husband and I are retired, but work hard to live a peaceful, sustainable life in the northeast Washington wilderness. We both have serious health issues and were told by our doctors that medical marijuana could help. All five of us have qualifying conditions, actually, and the garden was below the limit of 15 plants per patient."
"It's outrageous that the federal government is wasting money prosecuting five patients who were in total compliance with state law," Rhonda added.
More at link.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
I'm glad they didn't take the plea bargain deal - this one really needs to be fought
However, days later, on Aug. 16, federal authorities showed up with a new warrant and conducted a more comprehensive raid. At the time, authorities were enacting a widespread crackdown on medical marijuana providers -- an effort that extended into states like California and Colorado -- at the directive of the Obama administration. During the Aug. 16 raid, Drug Enforcement Administration agents seized the Harveys' remaining marijuana plants, as well as about five pounds of raw cannabis and some marijuana-infused edibles from the freezer.
The feds also seized a 2007 Saturn Vue, $700 in cash, a computer, a motorcycle and an ATV, along with the family's legally owned firearms.
Pretty fucked up and such an utter waste of resources that could be put to better use.
how an institution can fight a "war" to protect its citizens from the scourge of unhealthy drugs only to flood our streets with tobacco and alcohol, arguably two of the most addictive and destructive substances known to mankind, is mind boggling.
if you guys get a chance, check out the story of dennis and denise schilling. their story is what really opened my eyes to how fucked up the whole drug war is.