Waking Up Ned

He woke up one morning on the ground of his barn with a pounding headache. He had had
one before but this was a masterpiece. Something was different. Something was off. The old barn didn't smell anymore.
As he stood up slowly, instantly the animals stood and hollered in protest. They didn't know him. "What was wrong with them?"...he wondered. He wasn't sure who he was or where he was.....until he saw the horse and he remembered. He had been bending over to grab the bucket of sweet feed and the lightening struck and then the shoe.....square on the left side of his forehead. He stood there for a while....dazed..observing the anarchy save the goat. It only grinned back with the usual sneer but instead of feeling better he felt disturbed. They were all in on it and the goat was the grand dragon. Horns an all!
As he walked toward his old grand country home to the bathroom to investigate, he noticed it took him a considerable long time. He felt he were coasting through a dream or maybe it was a nightmare. He thought of his wife and kids, away for the week, visiting their Grandparents. Finally, there in front of the bathroom mirror, he investigated; a horseshoe print on his head...and a few days worth of beard. "How long have I been out?" he wondered. He had shaved that morning before heading out to the barn. His skin was pale and a bit opaque.
He found his way to the kitchen table and poured a glass of water. He felt nothing. The sounds of the universe coming through his window were his only peace as he now lay on the couch gazing at pictures on walls for what seemed like days.
Days went by and he hadn't slept or ate nor did he especially want or need to. Something was definitely not right. An insatiable appetite had begun growing though. One that he couldn't exactly pin point or define....and not quite willing to except. He thought of his family. It was time to go to the Dr.'s so he called a taxi. He knew he was in no shape to drive. The friendly driver arrived and the soon to be passenger instantly noticed the look on his driver's face.
"Where to?" said the taxi man.
"Hospit..." he replied.
"Okay man, hop in."
After a long silence and awkward rhetorical questions.....the driver remarks... "Boy, you must have really ripped in to one last night?!"
"What do you....?" the farmer replies.
"C'mon, you look a mess and your slurring your words-I can barely understand you. We've all been there."
"I don't...really dri..." he suffers.
"Alright Sir, well that sure is a shiner on your head there. Looks like a damn horseshoe. You some kind of farmer or something? I mean you got the get-up." The silence returns....
They arrive at the hospital and the rancher swiftly stumbles toward the entrance.
"Hey, aren't you gonna pay?!" screams the driver.
"Ah, to hell with it. I'll take this one. The sorry bastard."
The man finds his way to the desk and sees the look of horror from the strawberry blonde receptionist. She can tell this an emergency. "Okay Sir, what's your name? You're gonna be a walk-in. The Dr. will be with you as soon as possible."
"Ned"?.... she enquires
Okay Ned Bronson... Please have a seat...Doctor Winston will see you soon.
As he finds his seat he can't help but notice the stares.
"Why is everyone staring at me?" he thought to himself or had he spoke it aloud.
They were all crowded around the waiting room television. Something had happened and it seemed to be all over the news......all over the world.
"The Dr. will see you now Mr. Bronson" nervously, says the girl at the desk.
The Dr. enters and introduces himself. "Ned, I'm Doctor Winston. Good grief you look terrible. So, tell me what happened exactly."
Ned struggles to find the words.....
"Well, lets just take some vitals. First, with all due respect, there's a shower right outside my office. Why don't you go utilize it and come back."
Ned Bronson follows his Dr.'s orders and takes the prescribed shower. It's not hot or cold, just a gentle pressure....but there's steam everywhere.
Time stretches..... and Ned exits the shower wet and throws his clothes back on.
"Feel better?" asks Dr Winston.
Ned just nods his head.
"Okay, let's get those vitals out of the way!" uncomfortably. "Have a seat."
As the Dr. checks Ned's eye's with that annoying light and asks him to open his mouth, there it is again, that look again.
Ned's new appetite beginning to boil over now.
"Alright then, give me that arm" and they both watch the machine blankly for what feels like an eternity. Nothing. Not a blip.
Ned's mouth has slowly drawn wide open exposing his teeth. He thinks about his family and then he no longer thinks at all. The two men look back at one another. Eye's dilated.
Blood, has left the Doctors face.