Phenomenal article on John Rocker, 15 years later

what an amazing read:
Bright eyed kid: "Wow Typo Man, you're the best!"
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
Then he explains that 1: he really didn't expect it to be a big deal (bullshit), and 2: He was acting only in a righteous fashion (who is the one person who benefited from this?)
He also throws a lot of immature little jabs in there that are no better than John Rocker taking photos of him.
Lots of athletes are complete assholes.
But I dont feel like Im on this guy's side at all either. I feel like Im more on the Will Clark side of things.
Also, it sounds like Pearlman had all of these quotes from Rocker on tape so not sure why he or anyone else would expect anything that he said not to be written.
that's the worst side to be on ... i don't really follow this guy or the next ... but if you are a racist asshole and a professional athlete - it's a given people are gonna write about it ... the reality is that his career took a nosedive cuz he started sucking ... you can be a grade A asshole in pretty much any sport and be "successful" just as long as you bring it ...
reminded me of this classic-