Citizens United Round 2
Buying the U.S. Government
by Abby Zimet
Today's devastating Supreme Court decision in McCutcheon v. FEC, aka Citizens United Round 2, further cements our plutocracy, thus "opening the floodgates for the nation’s wealthiest few to drown out the voices of the rest of us." It features some truly mind-twisting arguments by John Roberts, who supports regulations that "target 'quid pro quo' corruption or its appearance" but not "the general gratitude a candidate may feel toward those who support him or his allies" and the reality that "candidates who are elected can be expected to be responsive to (their) concerns," which sure sounds a whole lot like quid pro quo to us, but of course we don't speak Supreme Court-ese so we could be wrong, thought, actually, we don't think we are. What a crock. What a travesty.
Sen. Bernie Sanders: “Freedom of speech, in my view, does not mean the freedom to buy the United States government…What world are the five conservative Supreme Court justices living in? To equate the ability of billionaires to buy elections with ‘freedom of speech’ is totally absurd. The Supreme Court is paving the way toward an oligarchic form of society in which a handful of billionaires like the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson will control our political process.”
Buying the U.S. Government
by Abby Zimet
Today's devastating Supreme Court decision in McCutcheon v. FEC, aka Citizens United Round 2, further cements our plutocracy, thus "opening the floodgates for the nation’s wealthiest few to drown out the voices of the rest of us." It features some truly mind-twisting arguments by John Roberts, who supports regulations that "target 'quid pro quo' corruption or its appearance" but not "the general gratitude a candidate may feel toward those who support him or his allies" and the reality that "candidates who are elected can be expected to be responsive to (their) concerns," which sure sounds a whole lot like quid pro quo to us, but of course we don't speak Supreme Court-ese so we could be wrong, thought, actually, we don't think we are. What a crock. What a travesty.
Sen. Bernie Sanders: “Freedom of speech, in my view, does not mean the freedom to buy the United States government…What world are the five conservative Supreme Court justices living in? To equate the ability of billionaires to buy elections with ‘freedom of speech’ is totally absurd. The Supreme Court is paving the way toward an oligarchic form of society in which a handful of billionaires like the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson will control our political process.”
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I'll still be stuck with the Constitutionalists and Libertarians watching from the sidelines.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
everybody knows that the vast majority of the financial big boys are republican donors. if the shoe were on the other foot, scalia would have found a way to make this unconstitutional. and that is a fact.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
most of obama's money was from small donors.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
If a service or power doesn't exist, it can't be bought...this is one of the many reasons I want much less gov't influence on my and your life. If you give them the power to grant rights, you implicitly give them the right to take them away. Gay marriage is a prime example...all this money spent to fight something that the gov't should not be licensing. It is a contract between two people, whoever they may be, but when you give them the power to grant a license, you then give them the power to deny it as well.
One good thing is that At least now there is a trail somewhat to the blatant bribery when before they did it in secret
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Both of Romney's and Obama's biggest supporters were employed by big companies. Obama had the tech giants and Romney had the banks.
It's worth noting that lawyers and lobbyists went overwhelmingly for Obama too. Their spending was nearly equal. $1.1B vs $1.2B Keep telling me either of them represents ANY of us. You would be foolish.
Meanwhile, my guy Ron Paul received five times the amount of donations from the military over all other candidates combined. You want to talk about individual contributors? Ron Paul would win. Ron Paul didn't have the corporate backing because unlike these other two clowns RP wouldn't have played their game. Ron Paul's biggest contributors were the US Army, Navy, and Air Force. Obama's was University of California and Romney's was Goldman Sachs.
Please stop trying to pit me on the side of the GOP, I'm calling out the facts that both Obama and Romney were bought and paid for by huge corporate sponsors.
Now can we get back on track and discuss the subject?
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
the corporatization of america continues ... the people have lost ...
since money is now speech, i guess it really talks and bullshit walks.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I agree, I think that elections should be publicly funded. I don't believe you should be able to donate one penny to an elected official.
That is what I meant when I said there needs to be sweeping constitutional changes to the election laws in the US. We always knew that elected officials were for sale, at least now it is out in the open.
If they are going to allow unlimited amounts of money to be spent, then there needs to be much more stringent restrictions on the truthfulness of adds. The more I think about it the sadder I get. I think this is the final nail for me in terms of caring about the political process
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."