If you like Hansard, you'll LOVE Hozier


Don't take my word for it, check out the website. I just bought the self titled EP, "Take me to Church" Awesome song, great EP.


  • buck502000buck502000 Birthplace of GIBSON guitar Posts: 8,951
    Yes, the music is good, don't care for the message.
  • Bennyorr4Bennyorr4 Posts: 307
    Thank you for your comment.

    The message is the same as MYM.

    So you are in favor of the church 's behavior and history of hypocrisy? Or are you unsure of the message? Did you watch the video?

    Please elaborate.

  • buck502000buck502000 Birthplace of GIBSON guitar Posts: 8,951
    edited March 2014
    Just not big on the video's imagery, do not enjoy watching guys kiss. I also disagree with some of the views of organized religion. Once again, the music is good but I don't care for the message. The only similarity between Glen Hansard and Hozier is they are both from Ireland.
    Post edited by buck502000 on
  • Bennyorr4Bennyorr4 Posts: 307
    I agree with that whole statement my friend and I respect your opinion. I'm just really liking Hozier ever since my Irish buddy told me to check him out. I really like the other songs on the EP as well. Especially "Angel of Small Death......

    Peace :)>-
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