Affordable Care Act

Thoughts so far, is it working/not working/good/bad/too early to tell/needs to be revised/ect ect. Not looking for people to aurgue the issue, just interested so far in people's thoughts
I personally think it's too early to make an honest thought, I think they need the revise it a bit. For every story of how it's helped, there seems to be another story of how it has had the opposite effect.
I personally think it's too early to make an honest thought, I think they need the revise it a bit. For every story of how it's helped, there seems to be another story of how it has had the opposite effect.
The first articles I came across are headed thus:
"Despite what the critics say, Obamacare is working"
"Surprise! Obamacare Is Really Working"
"The Healthcare Law is Working!"
"The Affordable Care Act Is Working Despite Misinformation"
"Why the GOP Will Lose Its Bet Against Obamacare"
"How the Affordable Care Act is working in Michigan"
"The Affordable Care Act Is Working"
"Affordable Care Act Not Working For North Texas Man" (Well, it's Texas, man.)
"Obamacare is working"
"Health-Care Reform: Affordable Care Act Working for PA"
"Conservatives Shocked Obamacare Is Working Like It's Designed"
"Obamacare is working: Uninsured rate drops"
So yeah, I'd say it's probably working. :-)
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
if republicans repeal it they are kicking 6 million people off of their insurance. it will be certain defeat for republicans.
polls are now showing that the public believes that obamacare is here to stay and they want it that way.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Why the GOP Will Lose Its Bet Against Obamacare
From all indications the GOP has gambled all the marbles on the proposition that Obamacare will sink Democratic candidates this fall. But the odds are good, they have made a losing bet.
In fact, it's looking more and more like Obamacare may even be a net positive for Democrats this November.
not on the merit of the law, only on the utter lack of eficacy in the republican party...they don't get it, even backwards conservatives are tired of the anti-everything, obstructionist attitude. People have complaints of their own they don't need politicians to come up with more, they need politicians with solutions.
not on the merit of the law, only on the utter lack of eficacy in the republican party...they don't get it, even backwards conservatives are tired of the anti-everything, obstructionist attitude. People have complaints of their own they don't need politicians to come up with more, they need politicians with solutions.
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"