All of me with

how does one say or at least where does one begin to
if (let's say) I were to tell you
what I would be about to if I could
find the words (or they, me) in what would be their (hopefully precise concise)
expression of emotion of the feeling that I do experience
especially with regards to how I do want to share the same with you by way of
no more than all the right words alone
and also
doing so in such a way so that you would know exactly and understand absolutely the thoughts interests intents and expressions and if formed as proper is
exactly how I would wish to be able to do so if not to throw my arms up over around you
all the rest of of me resting onto you
taking your shape and fitting quite nicely enough
and as settling as softly
quite uniquely exactly
all up and down and over
and over
the fullness of touch all pieces of us like where and when we would fall together
fingers, necks, heartbeats, pores, wrists, arms
and around knees and resting ankles
curves and bends finding warm a home on each other
and thats the way I could tell that you know
if I told you with all of me
if (let's say) I were to tell you
what I would be about to if I could
find the words (or they, me) in what would be their (hopefully precise concise)
expression of emotion of the feeling that I do experience
especially with regards to how I do want to share the same with you by way of
no more than all the right words alone
and also
doing so in such a way so that you would know exactly and understand absolutely the thoughts interests intents and expressions and if formed as proper is
exactly how I would wish to be able to do so if not to throw my arms up over around you
all the rest of of me resting onto you
taking your shape and fitting quite nicely enough
and as settling as softly
quite uniquely exactly
all up and down and over
and over
the fullness of touch all pieces of us like where and when we would fall together
fingers, necks, heartbeats, pores, wrists, arms
and around knees and resting ankles
curves and bends finding warm a home on each other
and thats the way I could tell that you know
if I told you with all of me