ISO: 1 Pittsburgh Poster

in Lost Dogs
If anyone could help me out, I would really appreciate it. I missed out waiting for a while in the Pittsburgh Merch line, I missed out on the Monk sale by minutes and yesterday had a Pitts poster in my cart and entered my credit card info in and it said out of stock when I clicked on order.
I would really like to remember this show and also show my daughter the poster and explain to her the greatness of my favourite band and how great this show was.
I don't collect any posters, just want this one and would be able to pay via Paypal.
Thanks to any kind member! Really appreciate the people in this community.
I would really like to remember this show and also show my daughter the poster and explain to her the greatness of my favourite band and how great this show was.
I don't collect any posters, just want this one and would be able to pay via Paypal.
Thanks to any kind member! Really appreciate the people in this community.