Looking to buy PJ Shirt from Auckland

DrdealDrdeal Posts: 696
Hey there,

Saw the Show Specific stickers from the upcoming shows on Ebay. Looking to arrange for someone to pick me up a size large Show Specific PJ shirt at the Auckland Show on 1-17. Shirt will have a roadrunner on it. If you do this for me I will return the favor from a US show when they next tour in the US. I usually hit a few East Coast USA shows. I can send Paypal to cover cost of shirt and shipping to USA. I visited Sydney last April and will always remember that trip. Thanks for the read.



  • gvn2fly12gvn2fly12 Posts: 793
    Thats not a roadrunner, thats a KIWI.

    I want one too, a sticker that is, can trade or send cash
    Arms wide open with the sea as my floor.
  • DrdealDrdeal Posts: 696
    Up Please.
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