Looking to buy PJ Shirt from Auckland
Hey there,
Saw the Show Specific stickers from the upcoming shows on Ebay. Looking to arrange for someone to pick me up a size large Show Specific PJ shirt at the Auckland Show on 1-17. Shirt will have a roadrunner on it. If you do this for me I will return the favor from a US show when they next tour in the US. I usually hit a few East Coast USA shows. I can send Paypal to cover cost of shirt and shipping to USA. I visited Sydney last April and will always remember that trip. Thanks for the read.
Saw the Show Specific stickers from the upcoming shows on Ebay. Looking to arrange for someone to pick me up a size large Show Specific PJ shirt at the Auckland Show on 1-17. Shirt will have a roadrunner on it. If you do this for me I will return the favor from a US show when they next tour in the US. I usually hit a few East Coast USA shows. I can send Paypal to cover cost of shirt and shipping to USA. I visited Sydney last April and will always remember that trip. Thanks for the read.
I want one too, a sticker that is, can trade or send cash