Coachella '14: Help please!!! Leads on affordable rooms/houses?

JH6056JH6056 Posts: 2,427
Hello fellow PJ fans, I'm trying to figure out taking my family (just hubby and 1 kid) to Coachlla this year, but I have NO idea where the decent, even partially-affordable housing is. I know I can look on a bunch of sites, but wondering if anyone here is a Coachella veteran and can give me any tips? I know this stuff fills up fast... eternally grateful for any leads you know of!!!



  • JH6056JH6056 Posts: 2,427
    Should clarify up front: camping isn't really an option. We are all light enough sleepers that, sharing a house is totally doable, but tents in a sea of tents will just mean we get zero sleep for the whole long weekend. SInce it's my family's 1st festival, that seems a lot to ask of them.

    Any ideas?
  • kasedougkasedoug The Golden State Posts: 2,973
    Not sure what your budget is but I'd jump on a hotel as soon as you can. Most are expensive due to the festival. Some are worth it though if they're on the shuttle line. I can't recommend staying at a hotel on one of the shuttle lines enough. It's so much easier taking the shuttle in an out vs. driving. That's my number one tip.
    The past two years, a friend has gotten a discount at the Hyatt in Indian Wells so we've stayed there and the Coachella shuttle picks up at the group of four hotels ( there. Palm Desert is also nearby. Another friend has family in Palm Desert so we stayed there and it was only a 10-15min drive in so I've been pretty fortunate in terms of accommodations.
    I'm sure others are more experienced when it comes to booking places but my main suggestion is the shuttle. The passes cost $60 but are completely worth it for saving the hassle of the parking lots.
  • JH6056JH6056 Posts: 2,427
    Thanks for the shuttle tip! Does the shuttle have a dedicated lane to travel to and from the festival site? Or does it get stuck in traffic like everyone else?
  • kasedougkasedoug The Golden State Posts: 2,973
    Once you get in closer vicinity of the festival grounds, there are certain street closures and only the shuttles are allowed in/out of those.
  • JH6056JH6056 Posts: 2,427
    Great to know, thanks!
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