Free Yield LP!! Buuut..... Winner! :)



  • WOAH.. Yield.. and it's in Canada!
    I find it hard to commit to a fav album... I have different waves of moods and different albums go better for different times.. haha
    Yield is the current cd playing in my car and that's cause it has Given to fly which I LOVE to belt out while driving.. plus with the cold weather i wouldn't mind flying away to somewhere WARM.. (ain't gonna happen)
    My daughter really loves the untitled on the album too.. hahaha!

    Happy New Year!!
  • JexJex Posts: 295
    Hard choice to make but I would have to go with VS. It has two of my favorite songs to get pumped up to (blood, spin the black circle). I could listen to this album over and over. Thanks for the opportunity!
    "Mine is mine and yours won't take its place.."
    1.Alpine Valley Music Theatre East Troy, Wisconsin 09-03-2011 / 2.Alpine Valley Music Theatre East Troy, Wisconsin 09-04-2011 / 3.Wrigley Field Chicago, IL 07-19-2013 / 4.iWireless Center Moline, IL 10-17-2014 / 5.Bradley Center Milwaukee, WI 10-20-2014 / 6.Wrigley Field Chicago, IL 08-20-2016 / 7.Wrigley Field Chicago, IL 08-22-2016 / 8.Wrigley Field Chicago, IL 08-18-2018 / 9.Wrigley Field Chicago, IL 08-20-2018
  • HGKHGK Posts: 94
    Thank you for the opportunity.

    I would have to say my favorite album is Yield because that was the first time I saw Pearl Jam live, 1998 in Virginia Beach! :D:D
    I change by not changing
  • NamiNami Newfoundland Posts: 5,997
    Nice ... Vs.. is my fav. So many high school/university memories with this one.

    How many drunken times did we sing Elderly Woman... i cant tell you. :lol:

    Not an owner of this vinyl "YET" so it will get played on the good portions.. :D

    thanks for opp.
    Hamilton 9-13-05; Toronto 5-9-06, Toronto 8-21-09, Toronto 9-12-11, Hamilton 9-15-11....
  • Riot Act; ARC, 1/2 Full, Get Right, Save You . . . :mrgreen: Thank you !
    10-26-91 Cleveland
    5-4-95 Hovercraft / Cleveland
    8-21-08 E.V. Chicago
    10-31-09 Philadelphia
    5-09-10 Cleveland
    5-10-10 Buffalo
    6-26-11 E.V. Detroit
    10-11-13 Pittsburgh
    10-12-13 Buffalo
    10-29-13 Charlottesville
    4-18-16 Hampton
    8-22-16 Chicago

  • thank you for the chance!
    Favorite of the day is still Lightning Bolt - gets played daily still.
    Favorite ever is ever is probably Ten or Riot Act. Ten came out when I just started really getting into music, but Riot Act has some of my fav tunes on it. Yield brings back memories because I used to crank it while playing Playstation (the original) in my dorm room after class!
  • willbarclaywillbarclay Ottawa, Canada Posts: 3,298
    Great thing to do ... thanks

    My favorite album is the Avocado. SO many great tunes.

    Close second would be VS .... because of Glorified G

    im just starting my LP collection, and only have Lightning bolt and backspacer. So I have my work cut out for me.

    Cheers, and thanks again for doing this. makes things interesting.
  • SomethingCreativeSomethingCreative Kazoo, MI Posts: 3,398
    Yield is my favorite album, in hiding my favorite song

    I'd love to have this lp, scuff or no scuff

    You rock.
    "Well, I think this band is incapable of sucking."
    -my dad after hearing Not for You for the first time on SNL .
  • otterotter Posts: 769
    Lightning Bolt is my favorite album today and has been since the first time I drove around listening to it with the volume maxed. 8-)

    I love the album because it has such a spooky sounding feel to it. Getaway ends on the spooky groove which leads perfectly into MYM. Pendulum and Infallible give me that cold October evening feel too. The record as a whole is a perfect autumn/winter record and I love it.

    Plus it's the new one ;)
    I found my place......and it's alright
  • HamzHamz Posts: 69
    I don't own Yield yet. Very generous of you to do this. I am liking Lightning Bolt these day.
  • PJ_Soul wrote:
    I dropped my brand new Yield LP and it got a scratch on it... actually more like a big scuff. It's still very playable, and i bought it sealed and played it only three times before dropping it.

    Klutz. :D
    "My brain's a good brain!"
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,153
    imstillalive26 said in a PM (posted with permission):

    Mine has to be No Code, I really loved the Jack Irons period for pearl jam. I think No Code and Yield were different (obviously) but so beautiful and they both showed pearl jam's talent. That they could do more than just the grunge sound you know? Also I have a lot of connections to the tracks. Sometimes is beautiful and I feel we all get to a point where we cant handle things and everything is so fucking stressful that we relate to Sometimes. Being a high school student with a job shit can get stressful. I relate to Off He Goes because it reminds me a lot of my grandfather who has passed not too long ago. The whole record is truly fantastic. It's a lot about hiding and then releasing, its got all these songs that you dont think have deep meaning to it but they do like with smile and habit, hard fast songs but then you see they are actually kind of sad.

    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,153
    PJ_Soul wrote:
    I dropped my brand new Yield LP and it got a scratch on it... actually more like a big scuff. It's still very playable, and i bought it sealed and played it only three times before dropping it.

    Klutz. :D
    I know, right?? :lol: :fp: But thanks to PJ-Cubs I got another copy for a good deal. :D

    Thanks to everyone so far who has responded! :corn: :corn: :corn: I'm really enjoying all the different stories and reasoning behind feeling a favorite album. For me it switches between Binaural and Riot Act - these are PJ's darkest albums i think, and i am not really a dark person, but i think they portray a beautiful moodiness and way deep down emotions that i just really connect with on a deeper level when i listen to them. They also feel like PJ's two most coherent albums, with amazing progressions and perfect transitions. For me, these two albums are pure genius. Plus, NAIS, Thumbing My Way, Breakerfall, God's Dice, Light Years, Insignificance, Rival, Parting Ways, Can't Keep, Save You, All or None, You Are, Thin Air, Of a Girl, Sleight of Hand, I am Mine, Cropduster, Love Boat Captain, 1/2 Full, Ghost...... :shock: These albums are just completely jammed packed with songs that i absolutely love. :D Today Riot Act trumps Binaural. Yesterday it was the reverse, and so on. ;)
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • Thanks for the chance!

    My favorite is no code.

    Perfect album at a perfect time in my life. Dealing with death and life everything on it hit home for a freshman in college. Can't thank them enough for this.
  • Lighning bolt thinks for the chance
  • Dr. DelightDr. Delight Posts: 11,210
    Not entering, but just wanted to blab out PJ Soul is awesome!
    And so you see, I have come to doubt
    All that I once held as true
    I stand alone without beliefs
    The only truth I know is you.
  • Vitalogy. Fucking Vitalogy.
    Pit 10/11/13
    Philly 10/22/13
    Missoula 8/22/24
  • alive90alive90 Posts: 82
    Thanks for the generous offer!

    I would have to say that my favorite PJ album is Vitalogy. From a musical standpoint, this record showcases the bands eclectic musical tastes from Punk (Spin the Black Circle, Whipping), to the vintage rock sound of the Who or Neil Young (Last Exit, Corduroy, Not For You) and Beatle-esque psychedelia and studio experimentation (Tremor Christ, Stupid Mop). This is truly the White Album of the 1990s.

    The lyrics on Vitalogy are, to me, Eddies' greatest explanation of Pearl Jams' beliefs and ethics from time when they were fighting an uphill battle to remain true to their moral code. Songs such as Corduroy, Not for You and Satans' Bed showcase Vedders' rejection of the stereotypical rock star ethos that has come to define Pearl Jam and endear fans to the band to this day. Even Spin the Black Circle is a thrashing, earnest tribute to good old vinyl records, released as the albums' first single at the height of the cd era.

    From a personal standpoint, when I started collecting Pearl Jams' albums, Vitalogy was the album that I heard as their most cohesive work. Although it has always been in tight competition with all of the first five albums for my favorite (the others are great too though!!), Vitalogy usually edges out the rest by all small margin for the aforementioned reasons. Also, when I bought the album, years after it's release, I instantly recognized many of the songs from hearing them on the radio back when I was in elementary school, around the time the original release (WBCN in Boston, I got this from Ten, Vs, and No Code too). An original pressing of Vitalogy was the first PJ vinyl I bought and the sound of that record may be their best sonic release.

    Viva La Vinyl!!
  • whispering handswhispering hands Under your skin Posts: 13,527
    I just NEED Yield on vinyl and as long as I can still listen to it, I'm totally all in!!

    No Code:
    Because, Ten got me through some crazy past issues and changed how I listened to music.. Vs. Was the finalization if the past issues, and walking away.. Vitalogy was an exploration of where my new self free if my
    Past would end up.. But forgiveness is a bitch when you've been fucked over all your life.. So while I
    Thought I was done, and free.. No Code came along.. In My Tree made me look at how backwards my world was.. And Present Tense.. One line.. One line changed my life for the good I'd been hoping for; forever..

    You can spend your time alone, re digesting past regrets... OR, you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who cannot forgive yourself... Not since Daughter and RVM had a song been so enlightening!!! And I love they were all released in just the right order to help me untangle my soul!!
    Thanks for this opportunity!
  • deftonesdeftones Athens, Greece Posts: 2,444
    Ten was , is and will always be my favorite LP. It was the first one to listen and has been with me the last 20+ years, for bad and good times! Happy New Year and thanks for the chance!
    ATHENS / 30-9-2006, MANCHESTER / 20-6-2012, MANCHESTER / 21-6-2012, AMSTERDAM / 16-6-2014, AMSTERDAM / 17-6-2014, AMSTERDAM / 12-6-2018, AMSTERDAM / 13-6-2018, PRAGUE / 1-7-2018, KRAKOW / 3-7-2018, BERLIN / 5-7-2018
  • mahndogmahndog Posts: 394
    Ten - for the longest time was my goto PJ album. . . as of late NO CODE has been the goto album, seems I appreciate it more now then when it first was released

    thanks for the chance thats awesome!

    Toronto 9.21.96/Barrie 8.22.98/Toronto 10.5.00/Toronto 6.28.03/Kitchener 9.11.05/Toronto 5.10.06/Toronto 8.21.09/PJ20 9.03.11/PJ20 9.04.11/Toronto 9.11.11/London 7.16.13/Buffalo 10.12.13

  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,153
    One more day bump! :) I'll be drawing a name tomorrow (Monday) night.
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • For the love of God me please lol
    Simply adore that Album, Brings me back to my college years here in Ireland and the greatest of memories singing it drunk through the streets after the nightclubs :D
    Favorite album though is a tricky one..I'd probably go with No Code but it's hard not to pick them all bar maybe Backspacer.
    Anyway fair play for doing this , It's great to see you looking after some lucky Pearl Jam Fan.
  • Walking the milesWalking the miles Toronto Posts: 549
    Thanks for the chance. I only got into the vinyl game recently,and currently playing catch up. Exactly right that I would love to have this album but the prices are just way too high. Hoping for a reissue in the not too distant future. Right now LB is my favourite album. Love all the really rockin' tunes on this one, Infallible has really grown on me, and awesome finish with Future Days. I think they have been getting better and better on the last few albums. Yield was my favourite for many years though.

    Always love the generosity of many of the people on this forum. Thanks again.
    "Feel the path of everyday....which road you taking?"

    Barrie, ON '98
    Toronto, ON '00/'03/'06/'09/'11/'16(x2)
    Hamilton, ON '05/'11
    Newark, NJ '10
    London, ON '13
    Buffalo, NY '13
    Detroit, MI '14
    Ottawa, ON '16
  • PJ51390PJ51390 Atlanta Posts: 728

    I'm definitely interested, very generous offer and thanks for a shot at it!

    My current favorite is Lightning Bolt. I always play new PJ albums on pretty much constant rotation until the next one comes out, and LB has some nice deep cuts that gives it the ability to sustain multiple (and multiple, and multiple) spins. Pendulum and Yellow Moon for instance give it some grit that BS lacked. Solid album front to back. Obviously I have some staples in the back catalogue that I probably rank higher if push comes to shove, but I'm definitely spinning LB the most right now. Plus with my iPod on my car Getaway is the first and last song every listen :lol:


    Awesome giveaway Alli!

    I think with a screen name like scratched vinyl it is only fitting for him to get it.
  • HesCalledDyerHesCalledDyer Maryland Posts: 16,456
    Glad I caught this in time, so first let me thank you for the opportunity as I do not have this on vinyl!

    Coincidentally enough, Yield is actually my favorite PJ album and I usually never hesitate to say the same thing any time I'm asked. In Hiding is still my all time favorite song. The reason this album has always shined for me is that it seems to have a more positive, uplifiting feel than previous albums. This coincided with how I felt during the time Yield was released. I had been through the angst-ridden high school years and needed something with a new outlook. Yield did that for me in my late college years. I did a lot of mental growing in those couple of years, and Yield was my soundtrack!
  • LoujoeLoujoe Posts: 10,339
    Lightning Bolt...spun it yesterday along with the Vault...then hopped into Joseph Arthur Redemtion City...after being fortunate to see a few awesome shows this tour, I put away PJ for about a month...they are the best thing out there for my eardrums...

    would love to spin Yield...just for In Hiding alone!!
  • jjflashjjflash Posts: 4,995
    My favo is No Code. The evolution of the band thru the years has seemed to have a similar arc to my own growth. No Code embarked on a new sound for the band its wanderings and explorations arrived at a perfect time in my life in 1996 when I needed those sounds and the words that accompanied them. "Hail, hail to the lucky ones", "You are who, who you are", "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?", "I am wishing you a well, finding peace w/n your cell" still strike a chord with me. Looking back, I think I was full on in the transition from youth to adult, aiming for the future yet clinging to the past, confused, lost and trying to sort everything out (still am in some ways...ha!). Stated "magic" of youth for "fact" of adulthood w/ no tradebacks. No Code was one of the blueprints, the instruction manuals that helped me interpret and make some sense of life. I love everything about it....from the album cover/art, to the sequencing, the easy entry of Sometimes into Hail, Hail at full throttle, to the way the album eschewed what everyone expected it to be, even Stoney singing on Mankind.

    Thanks for the contest! Sorry to hear about your copy of Yield but I'm sure it'll find a good home.

    I'm Open,

  • Dr. DelightDr. Delight Posts: 11,210
    Did I win this yet? 8-}
    And so you see, I have come to doubt
    All that I once held as true
    I stand alone without beliefs
    The only truth I know is you.
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,153
    And the winner is......... imstillalive26! Yay!! :)

    Thanks for posting everyone - lots of cool explanations for everyone to read; some made me think of some of the albums in a new way. :-bd
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
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