Yes. Posted a request to play Untitled on 11/26 in Oakland. Even though I wouldn't be there, In honor of my 10th anniversary, since our first dance was the untitled from Oklahoma City 2003. Also posted a link to my Facebook page with video of said first dance and another video of the highlights set to Smile. Not only did they play untitled, but Ed says during the intro "there's someone out there that this is very important to". Then he changes up the lyrics a bit. Instead of "I don't blame them from my room" it's "we got out of our rooms, 10 years ago..." And "I can be there in, yeah say it, 10 minutes or so..." Then later in the show they played smile and while saying it was a request from a guy up front, he says "we've gotten a lot of good requests lately"
That's awesome! Congrats.
Nice. It means more to me each day. Was wondering what I would do if they broke it out at any of the shows I was lucky enough to attend.