Newest project

My newest project is to learn to focus my energy on
what I want to do now, tomorrow, and the next day
I've been distracted by focusing on an unattainable goal for too long
I feel that I've wasted a lot of my time as some kind of
Love Bank that people merely withdraw from
No, they don't make deposits!
they hastily stop by the ATM for some funds when they're low
and then use what my bank gives them to
take other people out!
yes I have a big heart but I am here to demand
some truck-sized deposits from The Universe
I want some energy put back into my Love Bank!
I want some big ideas for today, tomorrow and the next day!
I want to see some evidence for my belief that we all live in
the arms of a good, big, Spirit
what I want to do now, tomorrow, and the next day
I've been distracted by focusing on an unattainable goal for too long
I feel that I've wasted a lot of my time as some kind of
Love Bank that people merely withdraw from
No, they don't make deposits!
they hastily stop by the ATM for some funds when they're low
and then use what my bank gives them to
take other people out!
yes I have a big heart but I am here to demand
some truck-sized deposits from The Universe
I want some energy put back into my Love Bank!
I want some big ideas for today, tomorrow and the next day!
I want to see some evidence for my belief that we all live in
the arms of a good, big, Spirit