JFK Assassination 50th Anniversary



  • The Waiting Trophy ManThe Waiting Trophy Man Niagara region, Ontario, Canada Posts: 12,158
    Byrnzie wrote:

    So the autopsy photo's are fake?

    You tell me.
    Another habit says it's in love with you
    Another habit says its long overdue
    Another habit like an unwanted friend
    I'm so happy with my righteous self
  • The Waiting Trophy ManThe Waiting Trophy Man Niagara region, Ontario, Canada Posts: 12,158
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Why did about 30 people run up to the area behind the grassy knoll immediately after the shooting? Are you suggesting that they were all confused? Dozens of people heard shots coming from that direction, above the noise of the motorcade and the crowds lined along both sides of the road leading up to the corner of Elm Street. Many people also say they saw flashes coming from that direction at the time of the shooting. Were they all audibly and visually impaired?

    I already answered these questions. Don't you read what I write?
    Another habit says it's in love with you
    Another habit says its long overdue
    Another habit like an unwanted friend
    I'm so happy with my righteous self
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Why did about 30 people run up to the area behind the grassy knoll immediately after the shooting? Are you suggesting that they were all confused? Dozens of people heard shots coming from that direction, above the noise of the motorcade and the crowds lined along both sides of the road leading up to the corner of Elm Street. Many people also say they saw flashes coming from that direction at the time of the shooting. Were they all audibly and visually impaired?

    I already answered these questions. Don't you read what I write?

    Sure, you said the acoustics in Dealy Plaza are strange, and that people ran in that direction because they saw a policemen running in that direction.

    Not very convincing, that.

    You seem to believe the area was populated mostly by idiots that day.
  • forecast+%25281%2529.jpg

    DEAR TROPHYBOY - And I will throw out that you are really missing the point if you toss out Stone's WELL researched film (with VERY few errors, possibly the only big one being "the early foreign news paper headline" thing) ...

    The Oswald-Ferrie-Bannister-Shaw-(Ruby?) connection is WELL documented by ALMOST A DOZEN people ... (you can read a good bit of that here) ... its ALL over the place ... for fucks sake, go to wikipedia, and you can even see the goddamn NOLA Civil Air Patrol photo containing both Ferrie and Oswald from '59. There are, as I just said, countless people who put a combination of those 4 (5 if you count Ruby, which i truthfully don't) guys together in the months before the assassination, and even enough that put them together ENROUTE TO DALLAS the night of the 21st to make the HSCA believe it. [although I readily concede the dictabelt failure]

    If you don't read what others post, you really shouldn't criticize others for not responding in kind.
    So, again, I ask you KINDLY,

    Tell me it does not STINK worse than two skunks in a dumpster.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • Also, I prefer to argue over things that don't involve the Zapruder Film or the Autopsy Photos because there are substantial problems with both. The autopsy photos don't even seem to be self-consistent. Some showing an intact rear hair line and essentially NO damage. Others showing a GIANT bubbly bloody mess all over the center-rear-right portion of his head. And the Zapruder film, slowed down, does clearly show a head moving\tilting slightly forward, THEN backward almost immediately. Either two shots from opposite directions nearly simultaneously, or substantial altering of the film, or you have to argue some bizzare pumpkin\back-brace trick (either of which i just reject).

    This Page has some great animated .gif of the Zapruder, discussion, and draw your own conclusion. Cuz really, what else can be done?

    The chain of custody of the Zapruder film is POSSIBLY THE WORST YOU COULD HAVE for something so important.
    DO YOU KNOW WHO OWNED TIME-LIFE? DO YOU KNOW WHO HENRY LUCEIS? Skull & Bones (same as BOTH "Pappy" Prescott Bush AND G HW Bush, also deeply implicated in Kennedy assassination if you get right down to it), Project Mockingbird supporter, CIA sponsor (his company had more than a few plants, and he had a personal liason to them) Alpha 66 FUNDER (and Bush was an A66 RECRUITER), Republican \ Right-Winger, and from what I have read, Claire Boothe Luce was actually a familiar acquaintance of ole Pappy Prescott himself. (source second paragraph under "quotes") ... POINT BEING: IF YOU WERE LOOKING FOR CREDIBLE EVIDENCE IN THE ASSASSINATION, POSSIBLY ZAPRUDER FILM WOULD BE THE WORST PLACE TO FIND IT.

    ( though i admit we ALL turn to it, seemingly )
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • DriftingByTheStormDriftingByTheStorm Posts: 8,684
    edited December 2013
    Post edited by DriftingByTheStorm on
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • More Zapruder Inconsistency

    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • also,
    what strange psychedelic drugs must his mother have been taking?
    ANYONE got any idea why she would say something like that?
    That's not just saying, "My son is innocent.", or "My son was a good person." ... the implication of her statement is in RADICAL contrast to the official story. "Has done more for his country" ... "Even AFTER HIS DEATH" ? "than ANY living human being" ...

    WHAT did she REALLY know ???
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    What happened to the film shot towards the grassy knoll by Beverley Oliver? Her film was confiscated by the F.B.I, who promised to return it to her within ten days, and has not been seen since.

    Also, what's the deal with the investigation carried out by Steve Ravel, as covered in the documentary 'The Men Who Killed Kennedy'? He made a pretty convincing case involving a plot concocted in Marseille involving three assassins, who traveled to Mexico, and entered the U.S on Italian passports with the help of the Chicago Mafia, e.t.c.

    Was that story disproven? Or is it still out there?

    Also, there was a recorded phone conversation recorded in Miami 13 days before Kennedy's assassination, in which some known criminals discussed the Presidents arrival in Miami 4 days before his assassination. In the conversation they talk about how his assassination is 'in the making', and how he will be killed with a high-powered rifle from an office building. The Miami police, aware of the conversation, then tightened security for Kennedy's visit to Miami.
    The Warren Commission chose to ignore this evidence.
    One of the men recorded in the conversation died in a mysterious house fire a few years later.

    And why was it that Oswald was noted as having entered the movie theater between 1pm-1:07pm, yet officer Tippit was supposedly shot at that same time by Oswald over a mile away?

    And one more thing; a woman named Carolyn Arnold spoke to Oswald on the 2nd floor of the school book depository seconds before the shooting. When you take into account the fact that the motorcade was running six minutes late, how could Oswald have been the shooter? Surely he would have been in position before the motorcade was expected to pass by outside, right?
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Interesting stuff...

    http://22november1963.org.uk/jim-garris ... j-d-tippit

    Jim Garrison: Interview with Playboy
    8: The Murder of Officer J.D. Tippit, and the “Second” Oswald

    Playboy: Let’s move on to the events that followed the assassination. What reason do you have for believing that Oswald didn’t shoot Officer Tippit?

    Garrison: As I said earlier, the evidence we’ve uncovered leads us to suspect that two men, neither of whom was Oswald, were the real murderers of Tippit; we believe we have one of them identified. The critics of the Warren Report have pointed out that a number of the witnesses could not identify Oswald as the slayer, that several said the murderer was short and squat — Oswald was thin and medium height — and another said that two men were involved.

    The Warren Commission’s own chronology of Oswald’s movements also fails to allow him sufficient time to reach the scene of Tippit’s murder from the Book Depository Building. The clincher, as far as I’m concerned, is that four cartridges were found at the scene of the slaying. Now, revolvers do not eject cartridges, so when someone is shot, you don’t later find gratuitous cartridges strewn over the sidewalk — unless the murderer deliberately takes the trouble to eject them.

    We suspect that cartridges had been previously obtained from Oswald’s .38 revolver and left at the murder site by the real killers as part of the setup to incriminate Oswald. However, somebody slipped up there. Of the four cartridges found at the scene, two were Winchesters and two were Remingtons — but of the four bullets found in Officer Tippit’s body, three were Winchesters and one was a Remington! The last time I looked, the Remington–Peters Manufacturing Company was not in the habit of slipping Winchester bullets into its cartridges, nor was the Winchester–Western Manufacturing Company putting Remington bullets into its cartridges.

    I don’t believe that Oswald shot anybody on November 22nd — not the President and not Tippit. If our investigation in this area proves fruitful, I hope we will be able to produce in a court of law the two men who did kill Tippit.
    The Tippit Bullets and Oswald’s Revolver

    Playboy: How do you explain the fact that the Warren Commission concluded that the bullets in Officer Tippit’s body had all been fired from “the revolver in the possession of Oswald at the time of his arrest, to the exclusion of all other weapons”?

    Garrison: The Warren Commission’s conclusion was made in spite of the evidence and not because of it. To determine if Oswald’s gun had fired the bullets, it was necessary to call in a ballistics expert who would be able to tell if the lines and grooves on the bullets had a relation to the barrel of the revolver. The Commission called as its witness FBI ballistics expert Cortlandt Cunningham, and he testified, after an examination of the bullets taken from Tippit’s body, that it was impossible to determine whether or not these bullets had been fired from Oswald’s gun.

    Yet, on the basis of this expert testimony, the Warren Commission concluded with a straight face that the bullets were fired not only from Oswald’s gun but “to the exclusion of all other weapons.” They simply chose to ignore the fact that revolvers don’t eject cartridges and that the cartridges left so conveniently on the street didn’t match the bullets in Tippit’s body.
    The Impersonation of Lee Harvey Oswald

    Playboy: You mentioned earlier that a so–called “second Oswald” had impersonated the real Lee Harvey Oswald before the assassination in an attempt to incriminate him. What proof do you have of this?

    Garrison: I hesitate to use the words “second Oswald,” because they tend to lend an additional fictional quality to a case that already makes Dr. No and Goldfinger look like auditors’ reports. However, it is true that before the assassination, a calculated effort was made to implicate Oswald in the events to come.

    A young man approximating Oswald’s description and using Oswald’s name — we believe we have discovered his identity — engaged in a variety of activities designed to create such a strong impression of Oswald’s instability and culpability in people’s minds that they would recall him as a suspicious character after the President was murdered.

    In one instance, a man went to an auto salesroom, gave his name as Lee Oswald, test–drove a car at 80 miles an hour — Oswald couldn’t drive — and, after creating an ineradicable impression on the salesman by his speeding, gratuitously remarked that he might go back to the Soviet Union and was expecting to come into a large sum of money. Parenthetically, the salesman who described this “second Oswald” was subsequently beaten almost to death by unknown assailants outside his showroom. He later fled Dallas and last year was found dead; it was officially declared a suicide.

    In another instance, this “second Oswald” visited a shooting range in Dallas and gave a virtuoso demonstration of marksmanship, hitting not only his own bull’s–eye but the bull’s–eyes of neighboring targets as well — thus leaving an unforgettable impression of his skill with a rifle. The real Oswald, of course, was a mediocre shot, and there is no evidence that he had fired a rifle since the day he left the Marines. Consequently, the fact that he couldn’t hit the side of a barn had to be offset, which accounts for the tableau at the rifle range.

    I could go on and on recounting similar instances, but there is no doubt that there was indeed a “second Oswald.” Now, the Warren Commission recognized that the individual involved in all these activities could not be Lee Oswald; but they never took the next step and inquired why these incidents of impersonation occurred so systematically prior to the assassination.

    As it turned out, of course, the organizers of the conspiracy needn’t have bothered to go to all this trouble of laying a false trail incriminating Oswald. They should have realized, since Oswald was a “self–proclaimed Marxist,” that it wasn’t necessary to produce any additional evidence to convict him in the eyes of the mass media; any other facts would simply be redundant in the face of such a convincing confession of guilt.
  • DriftingByTheStormDriftingByTheStorm Posts: 8,684
    edited December 2013
    Absolute Proof President Kennedy Planned To Withdraw From Vietnam

    SOURCE: Pentagon Papers as released by RAND Corporation leaker, Daniel Ellsberg, in 1971.


    Page 178 (as marked, top left of scanned page in reports)
    Secretary of State
    Secretary of Defense
    Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
    South Vietnam

    At a meeting on October 5, 1963,[2] the President considered the recommendations contained in the report of Secretary McNamara and General Taylor on their mission to South Vietnam [proves a match to below document, see color].

    The President approved the military recommendations contained in Section I B (1-3) of the report, but directed that no formal announcement be made of the implementation of plans to withdraw 1,000 U.S. military personnel by the end of 1963 [proves a match to below document, see color].

    After discussion of the remaining recommendations of the report, the President approved an instruction to Ambassador Lodge which is set forth in State Department telegram No. 534 to Saigon.[3]

    Page 154 (as marked, top left of scanned page in reports)
    2 October 1963
    Subject: Report of McNamara-Taylor Mission to South Vietnam

    B. Recommendations.
    We recommend that:

    1. General Harkins review with Diem the military changes necessary to complete the military campaign in the Northern and Central areas (I, II, and III Corps) by the end of 1954, and in the Delta (IV Corps) by the end of 1965. This review would consider the need for such changes as:
    a. A further shift of military emphasis and strength to the Delta (IV Corps).
    b. An increase in the military tempo in all corps areas, so that all combat ,troops are in the Field an average of 20 days out of 30 and static missions are ended.
    c. Emphasis on "clear and hold operations" instead of terrain sweeps which have little permanent value.
    d. The expansion of personnel in combat units to full authorized strength.
    e. The training and arming of hamlet militia at an accelerated rate, especially in the Delta.
    f. A consolidation of the strategic hamlet program, especially in the Delta, and action to insure that future strategic hamlets are not built until they can be protected, and until civic action programs can be introduced.

    2. A program be established to train Vietnamese so that essential functions now performed by U.S. military personnel can be carried out by Vietnamese by the end of 1965. It should be possible to withdraw the bulk of U.S. personnel by that time.

    3. In accordance with the program to train progressively Vietnamese to take over military functions, the Defense Department should announce in the very near future presently prepared plans to withdraw 1000 U.S. military personnel by the end of 1963. This action should be explained in low key as an initial step in a long-term program to replace U.S. personnel with trained Vietnamese without impairment of the war effort.

    4. The following actions be taken to impress upon Diem our disapproval
    of his political program. [...BLAH BLAH BLAH MORE HERE...]

    THE [CRIMINAL ELEMENT IN OUR] GOVERNMENT HAS ATTEMPTED TO DISASSOCIATE THE ABOVE DOCUMENT FROM THE ONE UP TOP, NSAM 263, WHICH STATES THAT THE PRESIDENT HAS APPROVED TRAINING TROOPS TO ALLOW WITHDRAWAL. ***THEY ARE CLEARLY DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED*** DRAW YOUR OWN CONCLUSION. The criminal element then went on, in a further effort to immediately rewrite history so that JFK could not be painted as anti-war, TO DRAFT NSAM 273, ***which directly contradicted and essentially extended full and uncompromising military support in Vietnam*** ON THE DAY BEFORE HIS ASSASSINATION. Obviously Kennedy probably never saw NSAM 273. He was never intended too. It was one last frame-up job meant to give the perpetrators of his killing "plausible deniability". "How could Kennedy have been killed over the war effort? He was pro-war. Just look at the last directive that crossed his desk before he died!" BULLSHIT. Read the links I provide you. IT IS SPELLED OUT.
    Post edited by DriftingByTheStorm on
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • Absolute Proof President Kennedy Planned To Withdraw From Vietnam

    SOURCE: Pentagon Papers as released by RAND Corporation leaker, Daniel Ellsberg, in 1971.


    Page 178 (as marked, top left of scanned page in reports)
    Secretary of State
    Secretary of Defense
    Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
    South Vietnam

    At a meeting on October 5, 1963,[2] the President considered the recommendations contained in the report of Secretary McNamara and General Taylor on their mission to South Vietnam [proves a match to below document, see color].

    The President approved the military recommendations contained in Section I B (1-3) of the report, but directed that no formal announcement be made of the implementation of plans to withdraw 1,000 U.S. military personnel by the end of 1963 [proves a match to below document, see color].

    After discussion of the remaining recommendations of the report, the President approved an instruction to Ambassador Lodge which is set forth in State Department telegram No. 534 to Saigon.[3]

    Page 154 (as marked, top left of scanned page in reports)
    2 October 1963
    Subject: Report of McNamara-Taylor Mission to South Vietnam

    B. Recommendations.
    We recommend that:

    1. General Harkins review with Diem the military changes necessary to complete the military campaign in the Northern and Central areas (I, II, and III Corps) by the end of 1954, and in the Delta (IV Corps) by the end of 1965. This review would consider the need for such changes as:
    a. A further shift of military emphasis and strength to the Delta (IV Corps).
    b. An increase in the military tempo in all corps areas, so that all combat ,troops are in the Field an average of 20 days out of 30 and static missions are ended.
    c. Emphasis on "clear and hold operations" instead of terrain sweeps which have little permanent value.
    d. The expansion of personnel in combat units to full authorized strength.
    e. The training and arming of hamlet militia at an accelerated rate, especially in the Delta.
    f. A consolidation of the strategic hamlet program, especially in the Delta, and action to insure that future strategic hamlets are not built until they can be protected, and until civic action programs can be introduced.

    2. A program be established to train Vietnamese so that essential functions now performed by U.S. military personnel can be carried out by Vietnamese by the end of 1965. It should be possible to withdraw the bulk of U.S. personnel by that time.

    3. In accordance with the program to train progressively Vietnamese to take over military functions, the Defense Department should announce in the very near future presently prepared plans to withdraw 1000 U.S. military personnel by the end of 1963. This action should be explained in low key as an initial step in a long-term program to replace U.S. personnel with trained Vietnamese without impairment of the war effort.

    4. The following actions be taken to impress upon Diem our disapproval
    of his political program. [...BLAH BLAH BLAH MORE HERE...]

    THE [CRIMINAL ELEMENT IN OUR] GOVERNMENT HAS ATTEMPTED TO DISASSOCIATE THESE TWO DOCUMENTS. ***THEY ARE CLEARLY DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED*** DRAW YOUR OWN CONCLUSION. The criminal element then went on, in a further effort to immediately rewrite history so that JFK could not be painted as anti-war, TO DRAFT NSAM 273, ***which directly contradicted and essentially extended full and uncompromising military support in Vietnam*** ON THE DAY BEFORE HIS ASSASSINATION. Obviously Kennedy probably never saw NSAM 273. He was never intended too. It was one last frame-up job meant to give the perpetrators of his killing "plausible deniability". "How could Kennedy have been killed over the war effort? He was pro-war. Just look at the last directive that crossed his desk before he died!" BULLSHIT. Read the links I provide you. IT IS SPELLED OUT.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?


    There is actually some stuff in here omitted from Evidence of Revision that is almost more damning.

    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • 50 years on and the CIA still haven't admitted to the killing. Tsk, tsk, tsk. In a hundred years when they finally admit to it killing Kennedy we can move on to 911.

    The poison from the poison stream caught up to you ELEVEN years ago and you floated out of here. Sept. 14, 08

  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    It's been a long time since I looked into the details of this case. A looong time. But just having dipped my snout into it again briefly and watched that documentary 'The Men Who Killed Kennedy', I really can't believe that anyone still thinks Oswald did it.

    I mean, he just didn't fucking do it. Period.

    I may have to get my hands on a more recent book about the thing. Anyone got any suggestions? The one I read years ago was called - if my memory serves - 'The Mafia Killed JFK'.

    One more thing: The House Assassinations Committee carried out an investigation into the assassination of JFK in 1976 and concluded that there were two assassins involved, and that four shots were fired at the President.

    What do those who believe Oswald was a lone assassin make of that?

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Sta ... ssinations
    The committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Were the autopsy photo's manipulated? What happened to William Bruce Pitzer?

    'At the time of the Kennedy assassination, Pitzer worked at the National Naval Medical Center (NNMC) where Kennedy's autopsy took place. Pitzer's alleged possession of autopsy-related film and photographs is briefly discussed in the television documentary The Men Who Killed Kennedy. A fellow naval officer of Pitzer's named Dennis David says that he viewed such materials in Pitzer's office at the NNMC, and that they appeared to contradict the official findings of the autopsy [David noted that those materials showed what appeared to be an entry wound in the right frontal area with a corresponding exit wound in the lower rear of the skull http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index ... wtopic=726]. At the time of his death, Pitzer held the rank of Lieutenant Commander. He was found in his office in the NNMC television studio with a single gunshot wound to the head. Pitzer's death occurred the same day that the Kennedy family agreed, through their attorney, to release to the National Archives several items related to the autopsy of the fallen president, including photographs and x-rays...

    Dennis David's recollections of the autopsy and of Pitzer's materials were first made public in an anonymous 1975 interview with the Waukegan, Illinois News Sun.[6] Since that time, Pitzer's name has appeared in many printed or televised lists of "suspicious deaths" having an alleged connection to the Kennedy assassination. Lt. Col. Dan Marvin (US Army, retired) says that when he saw such a list in 1993, it brought back to his memory an incident in the summer of 1965 in which he was asked by the Central Intelligence Agency to kill Pitzer. A naval colleague, Dennis David, said in a TV interview that Pitzer was left-handed but the bullet entry wound was on the right side of his head. This may suggest he was murdered. Pitzer is also sometimes said to have been present at the Kennedy autopsy at the NNMC, though he was not among those noted in official records.'

    http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index ... wtopic=726
    'On 22nd November, 1963, an autopsy was carried out by Dr Joseph Humes on the body of John F. Kennedy. A few days after the assassination, a colleague, Dennis D. David, found William Bruce Pitzer working on a 16-mm film, slides and black and white photos of the Kennedy autopsy. David noted that those materials showed what appeared to be an entry wound in the right frontal area with a corresponding exit wound in the lower rear of the skull.

    Jerrol F. Custer, an X-ray technician at the hospital, later stated that Pitzer had photographed the proceedings, including the military men who attended the Kennedy autopsy. It was also rumoured that Pitzer had copies of Kennedy's autopsy photographs.

    According to Dr. Joseph Humes, Pitzer was not present at the autopsy. However, he admitted that the Bethesda Naval Hospital was equipped with closed-circuit television. This was the responsibility of Pitzer and over the years had used these facilities to make instructional movies. It is therefore possible that Pitzer had secretly made a 16-mm movie film of the autopsy on President Kennedy’s body, without being present in the autopsy room when it was carried out.

    After 28 years in the US Navy Pitzer decided to retire. He told friends he had been offered a good job working for a network television station. It is believed that he intended to make a programme about the Kennedy assassination.

    On 29th October 1966, Lieutenant Commander William B. Pitzer was found dead at the Naval Medical School, Bethesda. Investigations by the Naval Investigative Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation later concluded that a gunshot wound to the head had been self-inflicted.

    FBI files on the investigation, released in 1997 under the Freedom of Information Act, revealed that there was a strong possibility that Pitzer had been murdered. The paraffin tests of Pitzer’s right palm and back of hand were negative, indicating the absence of nitrate, therefore no exposure to gunpowder. FBI tests indicated "that the revolver must have been held at a distance of more than 3 ft when discharged".

    Although there were links between Pitzer and the revolver found near the body, the FBI could find no record of Pitzer acquiring live ammunition. The autopsy showed both an entry and exit wound to the head. It also revealed a third wound that was not related to the gunshot to the head.

    Pitzer had been busy writing notes to people in the time just before he was killed. However, he did not leave a suicide note. One of these notes was found on the floor near Pitzer's body. It bore a partial heel print that was not from the shoes Pitzer was wearing.

    In May 1995, ex-Special Forces Colonel Daniel Marvin claimed to have been solicited by an agent of the Central Intelligence Agency to "terminate" William Pitzer. An interview with Mavin later appeared in the sixth episode of the television series The Men Who Killed Kennedy (November, 1995).
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    What was Operation Freedom? A collaboration between the C.I.A and the mafia to attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro. Many people believe that this operation was compromised and was used instead to assassinate Kennedy.

    Oswald was a part of the team working under the name Operation Freedom. He was picked to be the fall guy - the patsy - manipulated and used as a scapegoat for the Kennedy assassination, and murdered by Jack Ruby, a mafia man, who was himself manipulated and used in the assassination and subsequent cover-up.
  • Byrnzie wrote:
    What was Operation Freedom?

    I'll throw you one question better than that.

    What the flying fuck was ITEM 1 here, in The CIA Family Jewels file.
    Scroll down in the first link to the page denoted in stamped numbers at the bottom right, "00005"


    2. Johnny Roselli -- The use of a member of the
    Mafia in an attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro.

    3. Project MOCKINGBIRD -- During the period from 12
    March 1963 to 15 June 1963, this Office
    installed telephone taps on two l\Tashington- based newsmen who were suspected of disclosing
    classified information obtained from a variety
    of governmental and congressional sources.

    4. Yuriy Ivanovich Nosenko -- A KGB defector who from
    the peri"6<t 13 August 1965 to 27 October 1967
    was confined in a specially constructed "jail"
    atr IHe was literally confined in a
    cell oenIllU oars with nothing but a cot in it
    for this period.

    5. Various Surveillance and Support Activities
    These are briefly summarized and range from
    the surveillance of newsmen to the provision
    of specialized support of local police officials
    in the Metropolitan area. I believe that each
    one is 'self-explanatory and, therefore, no further
    comment is needed here. .

    6. Equipment Support to Local Police -- Attached is a
    iist provided me by ~he Director of Logistics
    (he will simply report these items in his
    report) which we have provided local police in
    the Metropolitan D. C. area over the past four
    or five years on indefinite loan. During the
    period when the Agency's installations in this
    area appeared to be a target of dissident elements

    Dollars To Motherfucking Donuts that Item 1 is "Lee Harvey Oswald".
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Interesting watching episode 8 of the documentary 'The Men Who Killed Kennedy' where they discuss in detail the scientific efforts to concoct a 'cancer drug' with which to kill Castro. Makes you wonder if that's what was used to kill Hugo Chavez?
  • Byrnzie wrote:
    Interesting watching episode 8 of the documentary 'The Men Who Killed Kennedy' where they discuss in detail the scientific efforts to concoct a 'cancer drug' with which to kill Castro. Makes you wonder if that's what was used to kill Hugo Chavez?

    I dunno.
    But I remember reading about Chavez's death, and he had made several comments himself regarding the strange \ untimely death of other Latin American leaders, and he also insinuated that he was a target, too.

    Episode 8 of TMWKK (forgive me, I've seen it several times, but not recently) ... I'm assuming the episode had a lot to do with Judyth Vary Baker?

    It is hard to know what to make of that lady, but given that she seems to have finally produced her W-2 from Riley Coffee Company it seems almost impossible to deny that she, at the very least, would have *known* Oswald, if not been involved with him, as she claims.

    Further, her story of a Special Cancer Virus matches with more recently uncovered documents (watch this "fringe" movie on HIV|Aids|Bioterrorism, In Lies We Trust regarding "The Special Virus Cancer Research Program"), it seems to add a slightly more logical subtext for David Ferrie having a bunch of "cancer mice" in his home. I doubt David was smart enough to be trying to "find a cure for cancer" on his own at his house with a bunch of mice, but I certainly imagine him being capable of injecting them with shit and seeing if they croak.

    Also, her story sort of "fills in the blanks" and makes more sense of Oswald's Mexico excursion than most other explanations. If he went down to Mexico with some syringes, thinking he was supposed to go to Cuba and hand them off to a spy down there, so they could whack Castro... THAT makes all kinds of sense.

    But i'm not hopeful we will ever know for SURE.
    Records are supposed to ALL be declassified and open to public by 2017 (thanks to George HW Bush himself for signing that law. Weird reactionary formation (for more sick plausible deniability) of "the Assassination Records Review Board" in response to Stone's JFK in '92) ... but I somehow suspect whomever is president will sign to re-hide the truly incriminating bits.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • fifefife Posts: 3,327
    While I don't believe that Oswald was the lone shooter i have always wondered about something.

    what do you think would be the reaction if it is found out that it was in fact the CIA and LBJ?
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    fife wrote:
    While I don't believe that Oswald was the lone shooter i have always wondered about something.

    The author of this book http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/096209 ... PDKIKX0DER offers a wager that if you can persuade a jury of 12 that Oswald was guilty, then he'll give you $100,000.

    'Read this book, and you will find out why the case against Oswald is a complete fantasy, and why in fact, after reading this book, no sane person could ever believe that Lee Harvey Oswald could have been found guilty in a court of law.'
    fife wrote:
    what do you think would be the reaction if it is found out that it was in fact the CIA and LBJ?

    Good question.

    I have no idea.
  • Great article by Robert F Kennedy Jr. On his uncle's anti-war, pro-peace / pro-people policies.

    It is a really good, very insightful article, with quotes and references to aspects of events and relationships of Kennedy's that to this day probably remain unknown to most.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • PJFAN13PJFAN13 Posts: 1,422
    Byrnzie said:

    I may have to get my hands on a more recent book about the thing. Anyone got any suggestions?

    Yes, in fact, anyone who is even half way curious about the JFK assassination and coverup should read James Douglass' JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters.
    Arguably the greatest JFK assassination book on record. This is NOT a book detailing who the gunmen were. This is a book detailing exactly the reasons JFK was killed, what authorities benefited from having him dead, and how the course of history would have dramatically changed had he stayed alive.
    Compelling and extraordinary. Arguably one of the greatest books ever written on the subject. You will never have the same thoughts about this chunk of history again, and you'll never look at the inner-workings of the US government the same either.

    2.15.22 (EV)~2.25.22 (EV)~2.27.22 (EV)~5.3.22~5.7.22~9.17.24~9.29.24
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