White Blood Cells vs Redd Blood Cells

Which album version is your favourite? If you don't know what Redd Blood Cells is, here's the explanation:
In the summer of 2002, Steven came up with the idea to do an art experiment by adding bass tracks to 2 White Stripes songs and sharing them with Redd Kross fans via the internet. The overwhelmingly positive response inspired him to cover the entire "White Blood Cells" record. Word spread quickly over the internet and soon press such as Entertainment Weekly, Pitchfork Media, the NY Times, BB Gun to name but a few ran articles about "Redd Blood Cells." Check out the animated explaination of the project, and at Creative Commons.
The original intent was to post 2 songs per week, and it would all be over within a 2 month span of time; however the popularity of this art project has made us decide to archive at least part of it on www.ReddKross.com since so many people still come to the site looking for it.
I like some of RBC, but sometimes the bass doesn't fit (and I'm a bass player).
In the summer of 2002, Steven came up with the idea to do an art experiment by adding bass tracks to 2 White Stripes songs and sharing them with Redd Kross fans via the internet. The overwhelmingly positive response inspired him to cover the entire "White Blood Cells" record. Word spread quickly over the internet and soon press such as Entertainment Weekly, Pitchfork Media, the NY Times, BB Gun to name but a few ran articles about "Redd Blood Cells." Check out the animated explaination of the project, and at Creative Commons.
The original intent was to post 2 songs per week, and it would all be over within a 2 month span of time; however the popularity of this art project has made us decide to archive at least part of it on www.ReddKross.com since so many people still come to the site looking for it.
I like some of RBC, but sometimes the bass doesn't fit (and I'm a bass player).
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014